Interface BlockingTimeout

  • public interface BlockingTimeout
    Encapsulates information about how long management operation execution should block before timing out.
    Brian Stansberry (c) 2014 Red Hat Inc.
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalBlockingTimeout

        int getLocalBlockingTimeout()
        Gets the maximum period, in ms, a local blocking call should block.
        the maximum period. Will be a value greater than zero.
      • getProxyBlockingTimeout

        int getProxyBlockingTimeout​(PathAddress targetAddress,
                                    ProxyController proxyController)
        Gets the maximum period, in ms, a blocking call should block waiting for a response from a remote process in a managed domain. Will be longer than getLocalBlockingTimeout() to account for delays due to propagation of responses across the domain and to allow any timeout on the remote process to be transmitted as a response to the local process rather than the local process timing out.
        targetAddress - the address of the target process
        proxyController - the proxy controller used to direct the request to the target process
        the maximum period. Will be a value greater than zero.
      • getDomainBlockingTimeout

        int getDomainBlockingTimeout​(boolean multipleProxies)
        Gets the maximum period, in ms, a blocking call should block waiting for a response from a set of remote processes in a managed domain. Use this in cases where the responses are expected to be received in parallel from a set of slave Host Controllers or servers. This value will not be impacted by previous calls to timeoutDetected().
        multipleProxies - true if this process is the master Host Controller and there may be slave Host Controllers in the middle between this process and the targeted remote processes.
        the maximum period. Will be a value greater than zero.
      • timeoutDetected

        void timeoutDetected()
        Notifies this object that a timeout has occurred, allowing shorter timeout values to be returned from getLocalBlockingTimeout().