Interface OperationContext

    • Method Detail

      • addStep

        void addStep​(OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addStep

        void addStep​(OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage,
                     boolean addFirst)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        addFirst - add the handler before the others
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addStep

        void addStep​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                     OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process, writing any output to the response object associated with the current step. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        operation - the operation body to pass into the added step
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addStep

        void addStep​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                     OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage,
                     boolean addFirst)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process, writing any output to the response object associated with the current step. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        operation - the operation body to pass into the added step
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        addFirst - add the handler before the others
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addStep

        void addStep​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode response,
                     org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                     OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        response - the response which the nested step should populate
        operation - the operation body to pass into the added step
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addStep

        void addStep​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode response,
                     org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                     OperationStepHandler step,
                     OperationContext.Stage stage,
                     boolean addFirst)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add an execution step to this operation process. Runtime operation steps are automatically added after configuration operation steps. Since only one operation may perform runtime work at a time, this method may block until other runtime operations have completed.
        response - the response which the nested step should populate
        operation - the operation body to pass into the added step
        step - the step to add
        stage - the stage at which the operation applies
        addFirst - add the handler before the others
        IllegalArgumentException - if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
      • addModelStep

        void addModelStep​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode response,
                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                          OperationDefinition stepDefinition,
                          OperationStepHandler stepHandler,
                          boolean addFirst)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
        Add a OperationContext.Stage.MODEL execution step to this operation process, including descriptive information for the operation.

        This method is primarily intended for use by a handler for the composite operation.

        response - the response which the nested step should populate
        operation - the operation body to pass into the added step
        stepDefinition - the definition of the step to add
        stepHandler - the handler for the step
        addFirst - add the handler before the others @throws IllegalArgumentException if the step handler is not valid for this controller type
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is not OperationContext.Stage.MODEL
      • addResponseWarning

        void addResponseWarning​(Level level,
                                String warning)
        Add a warning to response. This method appends warning message in response headers. Warning should be issued to inform managing end of non catastrophic occurrence, which require administrative action
        level - - level of warning. Used to filter warning based on level value, just like
        warning - - i18n formatter message, it should contain ID, just like jboss.Logger output does.
      • addResponseWarning

        void addResponseWarning​(Level level,
                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode warning)
        warning - - pre-formatted warning messsage.
      • getAttachmentStream

        InputStream getAttachmentStream​(int index)
        Get a stream which is attached to the request.
        index - the index
        the input stream
      • getAttachmentStreamCount

        int getAttachmentStreamCount()
        Gets the number of streams attached to the request.
        the number of streams
      • getResult

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getResult()
        Get the node into which the operation result should be written.
        the result node
      • hasResult

        boolean hasResult()
        Returns whether getResult() has been invoked.
        true if getResult() has been invoked
      • attachResultStream

        String attachResultStream​(String mimeType,
                                  InputStream stream)
        Attach a stream to be included as part of the response. The return value of this method should be used as the value of the result for the step that invokes this method. Callers can then use that value to find the stream in the response to this operation.
        mimeType - the mime type of the stream. Cannot be null
        stream - the stream. Cannot be null
        a uuid for the stream. Will not be null
        IllegalStateException - if isBooting() returns true.
      • attachResultStream

        void attachResultStream​(String uuid,
                                String mimeType,
                                InputStream stream)
        Attach a stream to be included as part of the response, with a predetermined UUID.

        This method is intended for use by core handlers related to managed domain operation as they propagate a stream throughout a domain. Ordinary handlers should use attachResultStream(String,

        mimeType - the mime type of the stream. Cannot be null
        stream - the stream. Cannot be null
        IllegalStateException - if isBooting() returns true.
      • getFailureDescription

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getFailureDescription()
        Get the failure description response node, creating it if necessary.
        the failure description
      • getServerResults

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getServerResults()
        Get the node into which the details of server results in a multi-server managed domain operation should be written.
        the server results node
        IllegalStateException - if this process is not a ProcessType.HOST_CONTROLLER
      • getResponseHeaders

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getResponseHeaders()
        Get the response-headers response node, creating it if necessary. Ordinary operation step handlers should not use this API for manipulating the operation-requires-restart or process-state headers. Use reloadRequired() and restartRequired() for that. (Some core operation step handlers used for coordinating execution of operations across different processes in a managed domain may use this method to manipulate the operation-requires-restart or process-state headers, but that is an exception.)
        the response-headers node
      • completeStep

        void completeStep​(OperationContext.RollbackHandler rollbackHandler)
        Complete a step, while registering for a notification if the work done by the caller needs to be rolled back}.
        rollbackHandler - the handler for any rollback notification. Cannot be null.
      • completeStep

        void completeStep​(OperationContext.ResultHandler resultHandler)
        Complete a step, while registering for a notification when the overall result of the operation is known. Handlers that register for notifications will receive the notifications in the reverse of the order in which their steps execute.
        resultHandler - the handler for the result notification. Cannot be null.
      • getProcessType

        ProcessType getProcessType()
        Get the type of process in which this operation is executing.
        the process type. Will not be null
      • getRunningMode

        RunningMode getRunningMode()
        Gets the running mode of the process.
        the running mode. Will not be null
      • isBooting

        boolean isBooting()
        Determine whether the controller is currently performing boot tasks.
        whether the controller is currently booting
      • isRollbackOnly

        boolean isRollbackOnly()
        Determine whether the current operation is bound to be rolled back.
        true if the operation will be rolled back
      • setRollbackOnly

        void setRollbackOnly()
        Indicate that the operation should be rolled back, regardless of outcome.
      • isRollbackOnRuntimeFailure

        boolean isRollbackOnRuntimeFailure()
        Gets whether any changes made by the operation should be rolled back if an error is introduced by a OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME or OperationContext.Stage.VERIFY handler.
        true if the operation should rollback if there is a runtime stage failure
      • isResourceServiceRestartAllowed

        boolean isResourceServiceRestartAllowed()
        Gets whether OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME handlers can restart (or remove) runtime services in order to make the operation take effect. If false and the operation cannot be effected without restarting or removing services, the handler should invoke reloadRequired() or restartRequired().
        true if a service restart or removal is allowed
      • reloadRequired

        void reloadRequired()
        Notify the context that the process requires a stop and re-start of its root service (but not a full process restart) in order to ensure stable operation and/or to bring its running state in line with its persistent configuration.
        See Also:
      • restartRequired

        void restartRequired()
        Notify the context that the process must be terminated and replaced with a new process in order to ensure stable operation and/or to bring the running state in line with the persistent configuration.
        See Also:
      • revertReloadRequired

        void revertReloadRequired()
        Notify the context that a previous call to reloadRequired() can be ignored (typically because the change that led to the need for reload has been rolled back.)
      • revertRestartRequired

        void revertRestartRequired()
        Notify the context that a previous call to restartRequired() can be ignored (typically because the change that led to the need for restart has been rolled back.)
      • runtimeUpdateSkipped

        void runtimeUpdateSkipped()
        Notify the context that an update to the runtime that would normally have been made could not be made due to the current state of the process. As an example, a step handler that can only update the runtime when isBooting() is true must invoke this method if it is executed when isBooting() is false.
      • getCurrentAddress

        PathAddress getCurrentAddress()
        Gets the address associated with the currently executing step.
        the address. Will not be null
      • getCurrentOperationName

        String getCurrentOperationName()
        Get the node with current operation name
        operation name node
      • getCurrentOperationParameter

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getCurrentOperationParameter​(String name)
        Get parameter node by its name
        name - of desired parameter
        node for parameter of given name or null if the operation has no such parameter
      • getCurrentOperationParameter

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getCurrentOperationParameter​(String name,
                                                             boolean nullable)
        Get parameter node by its name
        name - of desired parameter
        nullable - whether the return value can be null if the operation has no parameter with the given name
        node for the parameter of the given name, or null if nullable is true and the operation has no parameter with the given name
      • getResourceRegistration

        ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration getResourceRegistration()
        Get a read only view of the managed resource registration. The registration is relative to the operation address.
        the model node registration
      • getResourceRegistrationForUpdate

        ManagementResourceRegistration getResourceRegistrationForUpdate()
        Get a mutable view of the managed resource registration. The registration is relative to the operation address.
        the model node registration
      • getRootResourceRegistration

        ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration getRootResourceRegistration()
        Get a read only view of the root managed resource registration.
        the root resource registration
      • getServiceRegistry

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceRegistry getServiceRegistry​(boolean modify)
                                                          throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Get the service registry. If the step is not a runtime operation handler step, an exception will be thrown. The returned registry must not be used to remove services, if an attempt is made to call ServiceController.setMode(REMOVE) on a ServiceController returned from this registry an IllegalStateException will be thrown. To remove a service call removeService(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName).

        Note: It is very important that the modify parameter accurately reflect whether the caller intends to make any modifications to any object reachable, directly or indirectly, from the returned ServiceRegistry. This includes modifying any ServiceController, Service, Service, Value or any object reachable from a value.

        modify - true if the operation may be modifying any object reachable directly or indirectly from the returned ServiceRegistry, false otherwise
        the service registry
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling step is not a runtime operation step
      • removeService

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceController<?> removeService​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName name)
                                                          throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Initiate a service removal. If the step is not a runtime operation handler step, an exception will be thrown. Any subsequent step which attempts to add a service with the same name will block until the service removal completes. The returned controller may be used to attempt to cancel a removal in progress.
        name - the service to remove
        the controller of the service to be removed if service of given name exists; null otherwise
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling step is not a runtime operation step
      • removeService

        void removeService​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceController<?> controller)
                    throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Initiate a service removal. If the step is not a runtime operation handler step, an exception will be thrown. Any subsequent step which attempts to add a service with the same name will block until the service removal completes.
        controller - the service controller to remove
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling step is not a runtime operation step
      • getServiceTarget

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceTarget getServiceTarget()
                                                      throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Get the service target. If the step is not a runtime operation handler step, an exception will be thrown. The returned service target is limited such that only the service add methods are supported. If a service added to this target was removed by a prior operation step, the install will wait until the removal completes.
        the service target
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling step is not a runtime operation step
      • getCapabilityServiceTarget

        CapabilityServiceTarget getCapabilityServiceTarget()
                                                    throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Get the service target. If the step is not a runtime operation handler step, an exception will be thrown. The returned service target is limited such that only the service add methods are supported. If a service added to this target was removed by a prior operation step, the install will wait until the removal completes.
        the service target
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling step is not a runtime operation step
      • acquireControllerLock

        void acquireControllerLock()
        Acquire the controlling ModelController's exclusive lock. Holding this lock prevent other operations from mutating the model, the management resource registry or the runtime service registry until the lock is released. The lock is automatically released when the execute method of the handler that invoked this method returns.

        This method should be little used. The model controller's exclusive lock is acquired automatically when any of the operations in this interface that imply mutating the model, management resource registry or service registry are invoked. The only use for this method are special situations where an exclusive lock is needed but none of those methods will be invoked.

      • createResource

        Resource createResource​(PathAddress address)
                         throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Create a new resource, relative to the executed operation address. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
        address - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be created. Address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        the created resource
        OperationFailedRuntimeException - if a resource already exists at the given address
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling operation is not a model operation
      • addResource

        void addResource​(PathAddress address,
                         Resource toAdd)
        Add a new resource, at the executed operation address. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
        address - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be added. Address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        toAdd - the new resource
        OperationFailedRuntimeException - if a resource already exists at the given address, or if the resource does not support ordered childred
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling operation is not a model operation
      • addResource

        void addResource​(PathAddress address,
                         int index,
                         Resource toAdd)
        Add a new resource, at to the executed operation address. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
        address - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be added. Address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        index - the index of the resource to be created in the parent resources children of this type
        toAdd - the new resource
        OperationFailedRuntimeException - if a resource already exists at the given address
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling operation is not a model operation
      • readResource

        Resource readResource​(PathAddress relativeAddress)
        Get the resource for read only operations, relative to the executed operation address. Reads never block. If a write action was previously performed, the value read will be from an uncommitted copy of the the management model.
        Note: By default the returned resource is read-only copy of the entire sub-model. In case this is not required use readResource(PathAddress, boolean) instead.
        relativeAddress - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be added. The address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        the resource
      • readResource

        Resource readResource​(PathAddress relativeAddress,
                              boolean recursive)
        Get the resource for read only operations, relative to the executed operation address. Reads never block. If a write action was previously performed, the value read will be from an uncommitted copy of the the management model.
        relativeAddress - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be added. The address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        recursive - whether the model should be read recursively or not
        the resource
      • readResourceFromRoot

        Resource readResourceFromRoot​(PathAddress address)
        Read an addressable resource from the root of the model. Reads never block. If a write action was previously performed, the value read will be from an uncommitted copy of the the management model.

        Note: By default the returned resource is read-only copy of the entire sub-model. In case the entire sub-model is not required use readResourceFromRoot(PathAddress, boolean) instead.

        address - the (possibly empty) address
        a read-only reference from the model
      • readResourceFromRoot

        Resource readResourceFromRoot​(PathAddress address,
                                      boolean recursive)
        Read an addressable resource from the root of the model. Reads never block. If a write action was previously performed, the value read will be from an uncommitted copy of the the management model.

        Use the recursive parameter to avoid the expense of making read-only copies of large portions of the resource tree. If recursive is false, the returned resource will only have placeholder resources for immediate children. Those placeholder resources will return an empty model and will not themselves have any children. Their presence, however, allows the caller to see what immediate children exist under the target resource.

        address - the (possibly empty) address
        recursive - whether the model should be read recursively or not
        a read-only reference from the model
      • readResourceForUpdate

        Resource readResourceForUpdate​(PathAddress relativeAddress)
        Get an addressable resource for update operations. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
        relativeAddress - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be added. The address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        the resource
      • removeResource

        Resource removeResource​(PathAddress relativeAddress)
                         throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Remove a resource relative to the executed operation address. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
        relativeAddress - the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be removed. The address is relative to the address of the operation being executed
        the old value of the node
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the calling operation is not a model operation
      • getOriginalRootResource

        Resource getOriginalRootResource()
        Get a read-only reference of the entire management model BEFORE any changes were made by this context. The structure of the returned model may depend on the context type (domain vs. server).
        the read-only original resource
      • isModelAffected

        boolean isModelAffected()
        Determine whether the model has thus far been affected by this operation.
        true if the model was affected, false otherwise
      • isResourceRegistryAffected

        boolean isResourceRegistryAffected()
        Determine whether the management resource registry has thus far been affected by this operation.
        true if the management resource registry was affected, false otherwise
      • isRuntimeAffected

        boolean isRuntimeAffected()
        Determine whether the runtime container has thus far been affected by this operation.
        true if the container was affected, false otherwise
      • getCurrentStage

        OperationContext.Stage getCurrentStage()
        Get the current stage of execution.
        the current stage
      • report

        void report​(MessageSeverity severity,
                    String message)
        Send a message to the client. Valid only during this operation.
        severity - the message severity
        message - the message
      • markResourceRestarted

        boolean markResourceRestarted​(PathAddress resource,
                                      Object owner)
        Marks a resource to indicate that it's backing service(s) will be restarted. This is to ensure that a restart only occurs once, even if there are multiple updates. When true is returned the caller has "acquired" the mark and should proceed with the restart, when false, the caller should take no additional action. The passed owner is compared by instance when a call to revertReloadRequired(). This is to ensure that only the "owner" will be successful in reverting the mark.
        resource - the resource that will be restarted
        owner - the instance representing ownership of the mark
        true if the mark was required and the service should be restarted, false if no action should be taken.
      • revertResourceRestarted

        boolean revertResourceRestarted​(PathAddress resource,
                                        Object owner)
        Removes the restarted marking on the specified resource, provided the passed owner is the one originally used to obtain the mark. The purpose of this method is to facilitate rollback processing. Only the "owner" of the mark should be the one to revert the service to a previous state (once again restarting it).When true is returned, the caller must take the required corrective action by restarting the resource, when false is returned the caller should take no additional action. The passed owner is compared by instance to the one provided in markResourceRestarted(PathAddress, Object)
        resource - the resource being reverted
        owner - the owner of the mark for the resource
        true if the caller owns the mark and the service should be restored by restarting false if no action should be taken.
      • resolveExpressions

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resolveExpressions​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode node)
                                            throws OperationFailedException
        Resolves any expressions in the passed in ModelNode. Expressions may either represent system properties or vaulted date. For vaulted data the format is ${VAULT::vault_block::attribute_name::sharedKey}
        Specified by:
        resolveExpressions in interface ExpressionResolver
        node - the ModelNode containing expressions.
        a copy of the node with expressions resolved
        OperationFailedException - if there is a value of type ModelType.EXPRESSION in the node tree and there is no system property or environment variable that matches the expression, or if a security manager exists and its checkPermission method doesn't allow access to the relevant system property or environment variable
      • getAttachment

        <T> T getAttachment​(OperationContext.AttachmentKey<T> key)
        Retrieves an object that has been attached to this context.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type of the attachment.
        key - the key to the attachment.
        the attachment if found otherwise null.
      • attach

        <T> T attach​(OperationContext.AttachmentKey<T> key,
                     T value)
        Attaches an arbitrary object to this context.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type of the attachment.
        key - they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.
        value - the value to store.
        the previous value associated with the key or null if there was no previous value.
      • attachIfAbsent

        <T> T attachIfAbsent​(OperationContext.AttachmentKey<T> key,
                             T value)
        Attaches an arbitrary object to this context only if the object was not already attached. If a value has already been attached with the key provided, the current value associated with the key is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type of the attachment.
        key - they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.
        value - the value to store.
        the previous value associated with the key or null if there was no previous value.
      • detach

        <T> T detach​(OperationContext.AttachmentKey<T> key)
        Detaches or removes the value from this context.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the value type of the attachment.
        key - the key to the attachment.
        the attachment if found otherwise null.
      • authorize

        AuthorizationResult authorize​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation)
        Check for authorization of the given operation.
        operation - the operation. Cannot be null
        the authorization result
      • authorize

        AuthorizationResult authorize​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                      Set<Action.ActionEffect> effects)
        Check for authorization of the given effects for the given operation.
        operation - the operation. Cannot be null
        effects - the relevant effects. If empty, all effects associated with the operation are tested.
        the authorization result
      • authorizeResource

        ResourceAuthorization authorizeResource​(boolean attributes,
                                                boolean isDefaultResource)
        Check for authorization for the resource associated with the currently executing operation step and, optionally, its individual attributes
        attributes - true if the result should include attribute authorizations
        isDefaultResource - true if
        the resource authorization
      • authorize

        AuthorizationResult authorize​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                      String attribute,
                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode currentValue)
        Check for authorization to read or modify an attribute, checking all effects of the given operation
        operation - the operation that will read or modify
        attribute - the attribute name
        currentValue - the current value of the attribute
        the authorization result
      • authorize

        AuthorizationResult authorize​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                      String attribute,
                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode currentValue,
                                      Set<Action.ActionEffect> effects)
        Check for authorization to read or modify an attribute, limiting the check to the given effects of the operation
        operation - the operation that will read or modify
        attribute - the attribute name
        currentValue - the current value of the attribute
        effects - the effects to check, or, if empty, all effects
        the authorization result
      • authorizeOperation

        AuthorizationResult authorizeOperation​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation)
        Check for authorization to execute an operation.
        operation - the operation. Cannot be null
        the authorization result
      • getSecurityIdentity getSecurityIdentity()
        Obtain the SecurityIdentity for the current request.
        The current SecurityIdentity.
      • emit

        void emit​(Notification notification)
        Emit a Notification.
        notification - the notification to emit
      • getCallEnvironment

        Environment getCallEnvironment()
        Gets the caller environment for the current request.
        the call environment
      • registerAdditionalCapabilityRequirement

        void registerAdditionalCapabilityRequirement​(String required,
                                                     String dependent,
                                                     String attribute)
        Registers an additional hard requirement a capability has beyond what it was aware of when capability was passed to registerCapability( Used for cases where a capability optionally depends on another capability, and whether or not that requirement is needed is not known when the capability is first registered.

        This method should be used in preference to requireOptionalCapability(String, String, String) when, based on its own configuration, the caller knows in OperationContext.Stage.MODEL that the optional capability is actually required in the current process.

        required - the name of the required capability. Cannot be null
        dependent - the name of the capability that requires the other capability. Cannot be null
        attribute - the name of the attribute that triggered this requirement, or null if no single attribute was responsible
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is not OperationContext.Stage.MODEL or if capability is not registered
      • hasOptionalCapability

        boolean hasOptionalCapability​(String requested,
                                      String dependent,
                                      String attribute)
        Checks whether one of a capability's optional and runtime-only requirements is present. Only for use in cases where the dependent capability's persistent configuration does not mandate the presence of the requested capability, but the capability will use it at runtime if it is present.

        This method should be used in preference to registerAdditionalCapabilityRequirement(String, String, String) when the caller's own configuration doesn't impose a hard requirement for the requested capability, but, if it is present it will be used. Once the caller declares an intent to use the capability by invoking this method and getting a true response, thereafter the system is aware that dependent is actually using requested, but will not prevent configuration changes that make requested unavailable.

        requested - the name of the requested capability. Cannot be null
        dependent - the name of the capability that requires the other capability. Cannot be null
        attribute - the name of the attribute that triggered this requirement, or null if no single attribute was responsible
        true if the requested capability is present; false if not. If true, hereafter dependent's requirement for requested will not be treated as optional.
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
      • requireOptionalCapability

        void requireOptionalCapability​(String required,
                                       String dependent,
                                       String attribute)
                                throws OperationFailedException
        Requests that one of a capability's optional requirements hereafter be treated as required, until the process is stopped or reloaded. This request will only be granted if the required capability is already present; otherwise an OperationFailedException will be thrown.

        This method should be used in preference to registerAdditionalCapabilityRequirement(String, String, String) only if the caller is not sure whether the capability is required until OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME. Not knowing whether a capability is required until stage RUNTIME is an anti-pattern, so use of this method is strongly discouraged. It only exists to avoid the need to break backward compatibility by removing support for expressions from certain attributes.

        required - the name of the required capability. Cannot be null
        dependent - the name of the capability that requires the other capability. Cannot be null
        attribute - the name of the attribute that triggered this requirement, or null if no single attribute was responsible
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        OperationFailedException - if the requested capability is not available
      • deregisterCapabilityRequirement

        void deregisterCapabilityRequirement​(String required,
                                             String dependent)
        Record that a previously registered requirement for a capability will no longer exist.

        Semantics with "reload-required" and "restart-required": Deregistering a capability requirement does not obligate the caller to cease using a previously obtained reference to that capability's runtime API. But, if the caller will not cease using the capability, it must put the process in reload-required or restart-required state. This will reflect the fact that the model says the capability is not required, but in the runtime it still is.

        required - the name of the no longer required capability
        dependent - the name of the capability that no longer has the requirement
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is not OperationContext.Stage.MODEL
      • deregisterCapabilityRequirement

        void deregisterCapabilityRequirement​(String required,
                                             String dependent,
                                             String attribute)
        Record that a previously registered requirement for a capability will no longer exist.

        Semantics with "reload-required" and "restart-required": Deregistering a capability requirement does not obligate the caller to cease using a previously obtained reference to that capability's runtime API. But, if the caller will not cease using the capability, it must put the process in reload-required or restart-required state. This will reflect the fact that the model says the capability is not required, but in the runtime it still is.

        required - the name of the no longer required capability
        dependent - the name of the capability that no longer has the requirement
        attribute - the name of the attribute that references to the no longer required capability, or null if there is if no single attribute referring to the required capability.
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is not OperationContext.Stage.MODEL
      • deregisterCapability

        void deregisterCapability​(String capabilityName)
        Record that a previously registered capability will no longer be available. Invoking this operation will also automatically deregister any requirements that are associated with this capability, including optional ones.

        Semantics with "reload-required" and "restart-required": Deregistering a capability does not eliminate the obligation to other capabilities that have previously depended upon it to support them by providing expected runtime services. It does require that those other capabilities also deregister their requirements as part of the same operation. Requiring that they do so ensures that the management model is consistent. However, those other capabilities may simply put the process in reload-required or restart-required state and then continue to use the existing services. So, an operation that invokes this method should also always put the process into reload-required or restart-required state. This will reflect the fact that the model says the capability is not present, but in the runtime it still is.

        capabilityName - the name of the capability
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is not OperationContext.Stage.MODEL
      • getCapabilityRuntimeAPI

        <T> T getCapabilityRuntimeAPI​(String capabilityName,
                                      Class<T> apiType)
        Gets the runtime API associated with a given capability, if there is one.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the java type that exposes the API
        capabilityName - the name of the capability. Cannot be null
        apiType - class of the java type that exposes the API. Cannot be null
        the runtime API. Will not return null
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the capability does not provide a runtime API
        ClassCastException - if the runtime API exposed by the capability cannot be cast to type {code T}
      • getCapabilityRuntimeAPI

        <T> T getCapabilityRuntimeAPI​(String capabilityBaseName,
                                      String dynamicPart,
                                      Class<T> apiType)
        Gets the runtime API associated with a given dynamically named capability, if there is one.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the java type that exposes the API
        capabilityBaseName - the base name of the capability. Cannot be null
        dynamicPart - the dynamic part of the capability name. Cannot be null
        apiType - class of the java type that exposes the API. Cannot be null
        the runtime API. Will not return null
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the capability does not provide a runtime API
        ClassCastException - if the runtime API exposed by the capability cannot be cast to type {code T}
      • getCapabilityServiceName

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getCapabilityServiceName​(String capabilityName,
                                                                   Class<?> serviceType)
        Gets the name of a service associated with a given capability, if there is one.
        capabilityName - the name of the capability. Cannot be null
        serviceType - class of the java type that exposes by the service. Can be null.
        the name of the service. Will not return null
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if serviceType is null or the capability does not provide a service of type serviceType
      • getCapabilityServiceName

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getCapabilityServiceName​(String capabilityBaseName,
                                                                   String dynamicPart,
                                                                   Class<?> serviceType)
        Gets the name of a service associated with a given dynamically named capability, if there is one.
        capabilityBaseName - the base name of the capability. Cannot be null
        dynamicPart - the dynamic part of the capability name. Cannot be null
        serviceType - class of the java type that exposes by the service. Can be null.
        the name of the service. Will not return null
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if serviceType is null or the capability does not provide a service of type serviceType
      • getCapabilityServiceName

        org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getCapabilityServiceName​(String capabilityBaseName,
                                                                   Class<?> serviceType,
                                                                   String... dynamicParts)
        Gets the name of a service associated with a given dynamically named capability, if there is one.
        capabilityBaseName - the base name of the capability. Cannot be null
        serviceType - class of the java type that exposes by the service. Can be null.
        dynamicParts - the dynamic parts of the capability name. Cannot be null
        the name of the service. Will not return null
        IllegalStateException - if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. The complete set of capabilities is not known until the end of the model stage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if serviceType is null or the capability does not provide a service of type serviceType
      • getCapabilityServiceSupport

        CapabilityServiceSupport getCapabilityServiceSupport()
        Gets a support object that allows service implementations installed from this context to integrate with capabilities.
        the support object. Will not return null * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the current stage is OperationContext.Stage.MODEL. Service integration is not supported in the model stage.
      • isDefaultRequiresRuntime

        boolean isDefaultRequiresRuntime()
        Whether normally this operation would require a runtime step. It returns true in the following cases
        • The process is a server, and it is running in NORMAL (i.e. not admin-only) mode.
        • The process is a HC, and the address of the operation is a subsystem in the host model or a child thereof