Interface HttpInterfaceCommonPolicy

  • public interface HttpInterfaceCommonPolicy
    Policy information for the HTTP management interface that is common across both standalone and domain mode.
    Darran Lofthouse
    • Method Detail

      • getHttpAuthenticationFactory

        String getHttpAuthenticationFactory()
        Get the name of the HTTP authentication factory to use to secure the interface for normal HTTP requests.
        The name of the SASL authentication factory to use to secure the interface for normal HTTP requests.
      • getSSLContext

        String getSSLContext()
        Get the name of the SSLContext to use to enable SSL for this management interface.
        the name of the SSLContext to use to enable SSL for this management interface.
      • getSaslAuthenticationFactory

        String getSaslAuthenticationFactory()
        Get the name of the SASL authentication factory to use to secure the interface where HTTP upgrade is used.
        The name of the SASL authentication factory to use to secure the interface where HTTP upgrade is used.
      • isConsoleEnabled

        boolean isConsoleEnabled()
        Is the management console enabled, is set to false the console should not be made available.
        true if the management console should be made available, false otherwise.
      • isHttpUpgradeEnabled

        boolean isHttpUpgradeEnabled()
        Is upgrading to a Remoting connection over the HTTP interface enabled.
        true if HTTP Upgrade to the native protocol is enabled, false otherwise.
      • getConnectorOptions

        org.xnio.OptionMap getConnectorOptions()
        Get the connector options based on the current configuration.
        the connector options based on the current configuration.
      • getAllowedOrigins

        List<String> getAllowedOrigins()
        Get the list of origins that the server should accept requests from, if none set then all forms of cross origin resource sharing are disabled. An empty List or null both signal that cross origin resource sharing should be disabled.
        The list of origins that the server should accept requests from.
      • getConstantHeaders

        Map<String,​List<HttpInterfaceCommonPolicy.Header>> getConstantHeaders()
        A set of HTTP headers that should be set on each response based on matching the key of the map as being a prefix of the requested path. A prefix is inclusive of an exact match.
        A Map of the constant headers to be set on each response with the key being used as the prefix.