Interface AttributeMarshallers

  • public interface AttributeMarshallers
    Tomaz Cerar (c) 2015 Red Hat Inc.
    • Field Detail


        static final AttributeMarshaller SIMPLE_ELEMENT
        marshalls attributes to element where element name is attribute name and its content is value of attribute

        static final AttributeMarshaller SIMPLE_ELEMENT_UNWRAP
        marshalls attributes to element where element name is attribute name and its content is value of resourceModel

        static final AttributeMarshaller STRING_LIST_COMMA_DELIMITED
        comma delimited list marshaller

        static final AttributeMarshaller STRING_LIST_NAMED_ELEMENT
        String list marshaller that marshalls to named element list example, name of element is attribute.getXmlName()

        static final AttributeMarshaller OBJECT_ELEMENT_ONLY
        Marshaller for ObjectTypeAttributeDefinition. The object and all its attributes will be marshalled as element only.

        static final AttributeMarshaller OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE
        Marshaller for ObjectTypeAttributeDefinition. The object and all its complex types descendants will get marshalled as elements whereas simple types will get marshalled as attributes.
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller

        static AttributeMarshaller getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller​(String elementName,
                                                                   String keyElementName,
                                                                   boolean wrapElement)
      • getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller

        static AttributeMarshaller getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller​(String elementName,
                                                                   boolean wrapElement)
      • getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller

        static AttributeMarshaller getObjectMapAttributeMarshaller​(String wrapperElementName,
                                                                   boolean wrapElement,
                                                                   String elementName,
                                                                   String keyElementName)
      • getSimpleListMarshaller

        static AttributeMarshaller getSimpleListMarshaller​(boolean wrapper)