Class DeprecationData

  • public final class DeprecationData
    extends Object
    Encapsulates information about the deprecation of a management resource, attribute or operation.

    Notifying users about deprecated items: Some code that uses this class may choose to proactively notify users (e.g. with a log message) when the deprecated item is used. The isNotificationUseful() method should be checked before emitting any such notification. Notifying the user should only be done if the user can take some action in response. Advising that something will be removed in a later release is not useful if there is no alternative in the current release. If the isNotificationUseful() method returns true the text description of the deprecated item available from the relevant read-XXX-description management operation should provide useful information about how the user can avoid using the deprecated item.

    Tomaz Cerar (c) 2012 Red Hat Inc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecationData

        public DeprecationData​(ModelVersion since)
        Creates a new DeprecationData which will return false from isNotificationUseful().
        since - the version since which the attribute has been deprecated. Cannot be null
      • DeprecationData

        public DeprecationData​(ModelVersion since,
                               boolean notificationUseful)
        Creates a new DeprecationData, with an option to disable notifications to users when the use the deprecated item.
        since - the version since which the attribute has been deprecated. Cannot be null
        notificationUseful - whether actively advising the user about the deprecation is useful
    • Method Detail

      • getSince

        public ModelVersion getSince()
        Gets the version since which the attribute has been deprecated.
        the version
      • isNotificationUseful

        public boolean isNotificationUseful()
        Gets whether actively advising the user about the deprecation is useful. Code that proactively notifies a user (e.g. with a log message) when a deprecated item is used should check this method before producing such a notification.
        true if advising the user is useful