Interface ModelControllerServiceInitialization

  • public interface ModelControllerServiceInitialization
    Internal extension point for core resource registrations.
    Emanuel Muckenhuber
    • Method Detail

      • initializeStandalone

        void initializeStandalone​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceTarget target,
                                  ManagementModel managementModel,
                                  ProcessType processType)
        Initialize a standalone server.
        target - the service target
        managementModel - the management model
        processType - The ProcessType used to identify what type of server we are running in.
      • initializeDomain

        void initializeDomain​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceTarget target,
                              ManagementModel managementModel)
        Initialize the domain controller.
        target - the service target
        managementModel - the management model
      • initializeHost

        void initializeHost​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceTarget target,
                            ManagementModel managementModel,
                            String hostName,
                            ProcessType processType)
        Initialize a host controller.
        target - the service target
        managementModel - the management model
        hostName - the name of the host
        processType - The ProcessType that to identify what type of server we are running in.