Interface AuthorizerConfiguration.RoleMapping

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface AuthorizerConfiguration.RoleMapping
    Encapsulates the notion of a role to which a caller can be mapped.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        The name of the role.
        the name. Will not be null
      • includeAllAuthedUsers

        boolean includeAllAuthedUsers()
        Get whether all authenticated users should be included in this role provided they do not match on the excludes of the role.
        true if all authenticated users should be granted this role.
      • isIncluded

        AuthorizerConfiguration.MappingPrincipal isIncluded​( identity)
        Gets whether the caller matches the role mapping's inclusion rules.
        identity - the caller identity
        the principal that results in the caller satisfying the role mapping's inclusion rules, or null if the caller does not satisfy them
      • isExcluded

        AuthorizerConfiguration.MappingPrincipal isExcluded​( identity)
        Gets whether the caller matches the role mapping's exclusion rules.
        identity - the caller identity
        the principal that results in the caller satisfying the role mapping's exclusion rules, or null if the caller does not satisfy them