Interface OverrideDescriptionProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeOverrideDescriptions

        Map<String,​org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode> getAttributeOverrideDescriptions​(Locale locale)
        Provides descriptions for attributes that are in addition to those provided by the generic resource.
        locale - locale to use for generating internationalized descriptions
        map whose keys are attribute names and whose values are the descriptions of the attribute to incorporate into the overall resource description.
      • getChildTypeOverrideDescriptions

        Map<String,​org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode> getChildTypeOverrideDescriptions​(Locale locale)
        Provides descriptions for child types that are in addition to those provided by the generic resource.
        locale - locale to use for generating internationalized descriptions
        map whose keys are child type names and whose values are the descriptions of the child type to incorporate into the overall resource description.