Interface SubsystemInformation

  • public interface SubsystemInformation
    Tomaz Cerar
    • Method Detail

      • getXMLNamespaces

        List<String> getXMLNamespaces()
        Gets the URIs of the XML namespaces the subsystem can parse.
        list of XML namespace URIs. Will not return null
      • getManagementInterfaceMajorVersion

        Integer getManagementInterfaceMajorVersion()
        Gets the major version of the subsystem's management interface, if available.
        the major interface version, or null if the subsystem does not have a versioned interface
      • getManagementInterfaceMinorVersion

        Integer getManagementInterfaceMinorVersion()
        Gets the minor version of the subsystem's management interface, if available.
        the minor interface version, or null if the subsystem does not have a versioned interface
      • getManagementInterfaceMicroVersion

        Integer getManagementInterfaceMicroVersion()
        Gets the micro version of the subsystem's management interface, if available.
        the micro interface version, or null if the subsystem does not have a versioned interface
      • getManagementInterfaceVersion

        default ModelVersion getManagementInterfaceVersion()
        Gets full version of the subsystem
        full ModelVersion