Interface NativeInterfaceCommonPolicy

  • public interface NativeInterfaceCommonPolicy
    Policy information for the native mangement interface that is common across both standalone and domain mode.
    Darran Lofthouse
    • Method Detail

      • getSaslAuthenticationFactory

        String getSaslAuthenticationFactory()
        Get the name of the SASL authentication factory to use to secure the native interface.
        The name of the SASL authentication factory to use to secure the native interface.
      • getSSLContext

        String getSSLContext()
        Get the name of the SSLContext to use to enable SSL for this management interface.
        the name of the SSLContext to use to enable SSL for this management interface.
      • getConnectorOptions

        org.xnio.OptionMap getConnectorOptions()
        Get the connector options based on the current configuration.
        the connector options based on the current configuration.