Interface NotificationHandlerRegistry

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface NotificationHandlerRegistry
    The NotificationHandlerRegistry is used to register and unregister notification handlers. Notification handlers are registered against a PathAddress. The source PathAddress can be a pattern if at least one of its element value is a wildcard (PathElement.getValue() is *). For example:
    • /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/jms-queue=* is an address pattern.
    • /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=*/jms-queue=* is an address pattern.
    • /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/jms-queue=myQueue is not an address pattern.
    Jeff Mesnil (c) 2014 Red Hat inc.
    • Field Detail


        static final PathAddress ANY_ADDRESS
        Special path address to register a notification handler for any source. A handler registered with this address will receive all notifications emitted by any source. It is advised to use a suitable NotificationFilter to constrain the received notifications (e.g. by their types).
    • Method Detail

      • unregisterNotificationHandler

        void unregisterNotificationHandler​(PathAddress source,
                                           NotificationHandler handler,
                                           NotificationFilter filter)
        Unregister the given NotificationHandler to stop receiving notifications emitted by the resource at the given source address. The source, handler and filter must match the values that were used during registration to be effectively unregistered.
        source - the path address of the resource that emit notifications.
        handler - the notification handler
        filter - the notification filter