Interface ExtensionParsingContext

    • Method Detail

      • getProcessType

        ProcessType getProcessType()
        Gets the type of the current process.
        the current process type. Will not be null
      • getRunningMode

        RunningMode getRunningMode()
        Gets the current running mode of the process.
        the current running mode. Will not be null
      • setSubsystemXmlMapping

        void setSubsystemXmlMapping​(String subsystemName,
                                    String namespaceUri,
                                    org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLElementReader<List<org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode>> reader)
        Set the parser for the profile-wide subsystem configuration XML element. The element is always called "subsystem". The reader should populate the given model node with the appropriate "subsystem add" update, without the address or operation name as that information will be automatically populated.
        subsystemName - the name of the subsystem. Cannot be null
        namespaceUri - the URI of the subsystem's XML namespace, in string form. Cannot be null
        reader - the element reader. Cannot be null
        IllegalStateException - if another Extension has already registered a subsystem with the given subsystemName
      • setSubsystemXmlMapping

        void setSubsystemXmlMapping​(String subsystemName,
                                    String namespaceUri,
                                    Supplier<org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLElementReader<List<org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode>>> supplier)
        Set the parser for the profile-wide subsystem configuration XML element. The element is always called "subsystem". The reader should populate the given model node with the appropriate "subsystem add" update, without the address or operation name as that information will be automatically populated. It is recommended that supplier always creates new instance of the XMLElementReader instead of caching and returning always same instance.
        subsystemName - the name of the subsystem. Cannot be null
        namespaceUri - the URI of the sussystem's XML namespace, in string form. Cannot be null
        supplier - of the element reader. Cannot be null
        IllegalStateException - if another Extension has already registered a subsystem with the given subsystemName
      • setSubsystemXmlMappings

        default <S extends SubsystemSchema<S>> void setSubsystemXmlMappings​(String subsystemName,
                                                                            Set<S> schemas)
        Set the parser for the profile-wide subsystem configuration XML element. The element is always called "subsystem". The reader of the schema should populate the given model node with the appropriate "subsystem add" update, without the address or operation name as that information will be automatically populated.
        Type Parameters:
        S - the schema type
        subsystemName - the name of the subsystem. Cannot be null
        schemas - a set of schemas to be registered