Class EEModuleDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • EEModuleDescription

        public EEModuleDescription​(String applicationName,
                                   String moduleName,
                                   String earApplicationName,
                                   boolean appClient)
        Construct a new instance.
        applicationName - the application name (which is same as the module name if the .ear is absent)
        moduleName - the module name
        earApplicationName - The application name (which is null if the .ear is absent)
        appClient - indicates if the process type is an app client
    • Method Detail

      • addOrGetLocalClassDescription

        public EEModuleClassDescription addOrGetLocalClassDescription​(String className)
        Adds or retrieves an existing EEModuleClassDescription for the local module. This method should only be used for classes that reside within the current deployment unit, usually by annotation scanners that are attaching annotation information.


        className - The class name
        The new or existing EEModuleClassDescription
      • getDefaultClassIntrospectorServiceName

        public org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName getDefaultClassIntrospectorServiceName()
      • setDefaultClassIntrospectorServiceName

        public void setDefaultClassIntrospectorServiceName​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName defaultClassIntrospectorServiceName)
      • addComponent

        public void addComponent​(ComponentDescription description)
        Add a component to this module.
        description - the component description
      • removeComponent

        public void removeComponent​(String componentName,
                                    String componentClassName)
      • getApplicationName

        public String getApplicationName()
        Returns the application name which can be the same as the module name, in the absence of a .ear top level deployment
      • getModuleName

        public String getModuleName()
      • hasComponent

        public boolean hasComponent​(String name)
      • isAppClient

        public boolean isAppClient()
        true if the process type is an app client
      • setModuleName

        public void setModuleName​(String moduleName)
      • getDistinctName

        public String getDistinctName()
      • setDistinctName

        public void setDistinctName​(String distinctName)
      • getEarApplicationName

        public String getEarApplicationName()
        Unlike the getApplicationName() which follows the Jakarta EE spec semantics i.e. application name is the name of the top level deployment (even if it is just a jar and not an ear), this method returns the application name which follows the Jakarta Enterprise Beans spec semantics i.e. the application name is the .ear name or any configured value in application.xml. This method returns null in the absence of a .ear
      • getInterceptorClassOverride

        public InterceptorClassDescription getInterceptorClassOverride​(String className)
        Get module level interceptor method overrides that are set up in ejb-jar.xml
        className - The class name
        The overrides, or null if no overrides have been set up
      • addInterceptorMethodOverride

        public void addInterceptorMethodOverride​(String className,
                                                 InterceptorClassDescription override)
        Adds a module level interceptor class override, it is merged with any existing overrides if they exist
        className - The class name
        override - The override
      • addMessageDestination

        public void addMessageDestination​(String name,
                                          String jndiName)
      • getMessageDestinations

        public Map<String,​String> getMessageDestinations()
      • getDefaultSecurityDomain

        public String getDefaultSecurityDomain()
      • setDefaultSecurityDomain

        public void setDefaultSecurityDomain​(String defaultSecurityDomain)
      • getStartupBeansCount

        public int getStartupBeansCount()
      • registerStartupBean

        public int registerStartupBean()