Class EeLogger_$logger

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, EeLogger, org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger

    public class EeLogger_$logger
    extends org.jboss.logging.DelegatingBasicLogger
    implements EeLogger, org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger, Serializable
    Warning this class consists of generated code.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • EeLogger_$logger

        public EeLogger_$logger​(org.jboss.logging.Logger log)
    • Method Detail

      • getLoggingLocale

        protected Locale getLoggingLocale()
      • cannotResolve

        public final void cannotResolve​(String elementName,
                                        String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating the resource-env-ref could not be resolved.
        Specified by:
        cannotResolve in interface EeLogger
        elementName - the name of the element.
        name - the name resource environment reference.
      • cannotResolve$str

        protected String cannotResolve$str()
      • componentDestroyFailure

        public final void componentDestroyFailure​(Throwable cause,
                                                  ComponentInstance component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating a failure to destroy the component instance.
        Specified by:
        componentDestroyFailure in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        component - the component instance.
      • componentDestroyFailure$str

        protected String componentDestroyFailure$str()
      • componentInstallationFailure

        public final void componentInstallationFailure​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating the component is not being installed due to an exception.
        Specified by:
        componentInstallationFailure in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the component.
      • componentInstallationFailure$str

        protected String componentInstallationFailure$str()
      • invalidManagedBeanAbstractOrFinal

        public final void invalidManagedBeanAbstractOrFinal​(String sectionId,
                                                            String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating the managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be an interface.
        Specified by:
        invalidManagedBeanAbstractOrFinal in interface EeLogger
        sectionId - the section id of the managed bean spec.
        className - the class name
      • invalidManagedBeanAbstractOrFinal$str

        protected String invalidManagedBeanAbstractOrFinal$str()
      • invalidManagedBeanInterface

        public final void invalidManagedBeanInterface​(String sectionId,
                                                      String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating the managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be abstract or final.
        Specified by:
        invalidManagedBeanInterface in interface EeLogger
        sectionId - the section id of the managed bean spec.
        className - the class name
      • invalidManagedBeanInterface$str

        protected String invalidManagedBeanInterface$str()
      • preDestroyInterceptorFailure

        public final void preDestroyInterceptorFailure​(Throwable cause,
                                                       Class<?> component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating an exception occurred while invoking the pre-destroy on the interceptor component class, represented by the component parameter.
        Specified by:
        preDestroyInterceptorFailure in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        component - the component.
      • preDestroyInterceptorFailure$str

        protected String preDestroyInterceptorFailure$str()
      • subdeploymentIgnored$str

        protected String subdeploymentIgnored$str()
      • rollbackOfTransactionStartedInEEConcurrentInvocation$str

        protected String rollbackOfTransactionStartedInEEConcurrentInvocation$str()
      • failedToRollbackTransaction$str

        protected String failedToRollbackTransaction$str()
      • failedToSuspendTransaction$str

        protected String failedToSuspendTransaction$str()
      • systemErrorWhileCheckingForTransactionLeak$str

        protected String systemErrorWhileCheckingForTransactionLeak$str()
      • alternateDeploymentDescriptor$str

        protected String alternateDeploymentDescriptor$str()
      • alternateDeploymentDescriptor

        public final alternateDeploymentDescriptor​(org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile deploymentDescriptor,
                                                                                                                    org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile moduleFile)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the alternate deployment descriptor specified for the module file could not be found.
        Specified by:
        alternateDeploymentDescriptor in interface EeLogger
        deploymentDescriptor - the alternate deployment descriptor.
        moduleFile - the module file.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • annotationAttributeMissing$str

        protected String annotationAttributeMissing$str()
      • cannotAddMoreItems$str

        protected String cannotAddMoreItems$str()
      • cannotBeEmpty$str

        protected String cannotBeEmpty$str()
      • cannotBeNullOrEmpty$str

        protected String cannotBeNullOrEmpty$str()
      • cannotConfigureComponent$str

        protected String cannotConfigureComponent$str()
      • cannotConfigureComponent

        public final cannotConfigureComponent​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                               String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the component, represented by the name parameter, could not be configured.
        Specified by:
        cannotConfigureComponent in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotDetermineType1$str

        protected String cannotDetermineType1$str()
      • cannotDetermineType

        public final cannotDetermineType​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the type for the resource-env-ref could not be determined.
        Specified by:
        cannotDetermineType in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the of the resource environment reference.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotDetermineType3$str

        protected String cannotDetermineType3$str()
      • cannotDetermineType

        public final cannotDetermineType​(String tag,
                                                                                                          String value,
                                                                                                          String typeTag)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the type for the tag could not be determined.
        Specified by:
        cannotDetermineType in interface EeLogger
        tag - the tag name.
        value - the value of the tag.
        typeTag - the type tag.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotLoad$str

        protected String cannotLoad$str()
      • cannotLoad

        public final cannotLoad​(String injectionTarget)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the injection target referenced in the env-entry injection point could not be loaded.
        Specified by:
        cannotLoad in interface EeLogger
        injectionTarget - the injection target.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotLoad

        public final cannotLoad​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                 String injectionTarget)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the injection target referenced in the env-entry injection point could not be loaded.
        Specified by:
        cannotLoad in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        injectionTarget - the injection target.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotLoadInterceptor1$str

        protected String cannotLoadInterceptor1$str()
      • cannotLoadInterceptor

        public final RuntimeException cannotLoadInterceptor​(Throwable cause,
                                                            String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating an interceptor class could not be loaded.
        Specified by:
        cannotLoadInterceptor in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        className - the name of the interceptor class.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotLoadInterceptor2$str

        protected String cannotLoadInterceptor2$str()
      • cannotLoadInterceptor

        public final cannotLoadInterceptor​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                            String className,
                                                                                                            Class<?> component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating an interceptor class could not be loaded on the component.
        Specified by:
        cannotLoadInterceptor in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        className - the name of the interceptor class.
        component - the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotLoadViewClass$str

        protected String cannotLoadViewClass$str()
      • cannotLoadViewClass

        public final cannotLoadViewClass​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                          String className,
                                                                                                          ComponentConfiguration component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the view class, represented by the className parameter, for the component.
        Specified by:
        cannotLoadViewClass in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        className - the name of the class.
        component - the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotProcessEarModule$str

        protected String cannotProcessEarModule$str()
      • cannotProcessEarModule

        public final cannotProcessEarModule​(org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile earFile,
                                                                                                             String moduleFile)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the inability to process modules in the application.xml for the EAR, represented by the earFile parameter, module file was not found.
        Specified by:
        cannotProcessEarModule in interface EeLogger
        earFile - the EAR file.
        moduleFile - the module file.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotParseResourceRefUri$str

        protected String cannotParseResourceRefUri$str()
      • cannotParseResourceRefUri

        public final cannotParseResourceRefUri​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                                String uri)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the inability to parse the resource-ref URI.
        Specified by:
        cannotParseResourceRefUri in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        uri - the URI.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotResolveInjectionPoint$str

        protected String cannotResolveInjectionPoint$str()
      • cannotResolveInjectionPoint

        public final cannotResolveInjectionPoint​(String targetName,
                                                                                                                  String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the injection point could not be resolved on the class specified in the web.xml.
        Specified by:
        cannotResolveInjectionPoint in interface EeLogger
        targetName - the injection point name.
        className - the class name.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • cannotResolveMethod$str

        protected String cannotResolveMethod$str()
      • cannotResolveMethod

        public final RuntimeException cannotResolveMethod​(org.jboss.invocation.proxy.MethodIdentifier method,
                                                          Class<?> component,
                                                          Collection<?> annotations)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the method could not be found on the class with the annotations.
        Specified by:
        cannotResolveMethod in interface EeLogger
        method - the method.
        component - the class.
        annotations - the annotations.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • cannotSpecifyBoth$str

        protected String cannotSpecifyBoth$str()
      • cannotSpecifyBoth

        public final cannotSpecifyBoth​(String element1,
                                                                                                        String element2)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating both the element1 and element2 cannot be specified in an environment entry.
        Specified by:
        cannotSpecifyBoth in interface EeLogger
        element1 - the first element.
        element2 - the second element.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • circularDependency$str

        protected String circularDependency$str()
      • classOnlyAnnotation$str

        protected String classOnlyAnnotation$str()
      • classOnlyAnnotation

        public final classOnlyAnnotation​(String annotation,
                                                                                                          org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationTarget target)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the annotation is only allowed on a class.
        Specified by:
        classOnlyAnnotation in interface EeLogger
        annotation - the annotation.
        target - the annotation target.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • componentAlreadyDefined$str

        protected String componentAlreadyDefined$str()
      • componentClassHasErrors$str

        protected String componentClassHasErrors$str()
      • componentClassHasErrors

        public final componentClassHasErrors​(String className,
                                                                                                              String componentName,
                                                                                                              String errorMsg)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the component class, represented by the className parameter, for the component, represented by the componentName parameter, has errors.
        Specified by:
        componentClassHasErrors in interface EeLogger
        className - the class name.
        componentName - the name of the component.
        errorMsg - the error message.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • componentConstructionFailure$str

        protected String componentConstructionFailure$str()
      • componentIsStopped$str

        protected String componentIsStopped$str()
      • componentNotAvailable$str

        protected String componentNotAvailable$str()
      • componentNotFound$str

        protected String componentNotFound$str()
      • componentNotFound

        public final componentNotFound​(String typeName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating no component was found for the type.
        Specified by:
        componentNotFound in interface EeLogger
        typeName - the name of the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • componentViewConstructionFailure$str

        protected String componentViewConstructionFailure$str()
      • conflictingBinding$str

        protected String conflictingBinding$str()
      • defaultConstructorNotFound$str

        protected String defaultConstructorNotFound$str()
      • defaultConstructorNotFound

        public final defaultConstructorNotFound​(Class<?> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the default constructor for the class, represented by the clazz parameter, could not be found.
        Specified by:
        defaultConstructorNotFound in interface EeLogger
        clazz - the class.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • defaultConstructorNotFoundOnComponent$str

        protected String defaultConstructorNotFoundOnComponent$str()
      • defaultConstructorNotFoundOnComponent

        public final defaultConstructorNotFoundOnComponent​(String className,
                                                                                                                            Class<?> component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the default constructor for the class, represented by the className parameter, could not be found on the component.
        Specified by:
        defaultConstructorNotFoundOnComponent in interface EeLogger
        className - the name of the class.
        component - the component name.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • elementAttributeMissing$str

        protected String elementAttributeMissing$str()
      • failedToInstallComponent$str

        protected String failedToInstallComponent$str()
      • failedToInstallComponent

        public final failedToInstallComponent​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                               String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to install the component.
        Specified by:
        failedToInstallComponent in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • failedToParse$str

        protected String failedToParse$str()
      • failedToParse

        public final failedToParse​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                    org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile xmlFile)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to parse the xmlFile.
        Specified by:
        failedToParse in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        xmlFile - the XML file.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • failedToProcessChild$str

        protected String failedToProcessChild$str()
      • failedToProcessChild

        public final failedToProcessChild​(Throwable cause,
                                                                                                           org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile earFile)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to process the children for the EAR.
        Specified by:
        failedToProcessChild in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        earFile - the EAR file.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • failedToRead2$str

        protected String failedToRead2$str()
      • failedToRead

        public final String failedToRead​(String entryName,
                                         String appName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        A message indicating a failure to read the entries in the application.
        Specified by:
        failedToRead in interface EeLogger
        entryName - the name of the entry.
        appName - the application name.
        the message.
      • failedToRead3$str

        protected String failedToRead3$str()
      • failedToRead

        public final String failedToRead​(String entryName,
                                         String appName,
                                         String moduleName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        A message indicating a failure to read the entries in the module.
        Specified by:
        failedToRead in interface EeLogger
        entryName - the name of the entry.
        appName - the application name.
        moduleName - the module name.
        the message.
      • failedToRead4$str

        protected String failedToRead4$str()
      • failedToRead

        public final String failedToRead​(String entryName,
                                         String appName,
                                         String moduleName,
                                         String componentName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        A message indicating a failure to read the entries in the module.
        Specified by:
        failedToRead in interface EeLogger
        entryName - the name of the entry.
        appName - the application name.
        moduleName - the module name.
        componentName - the component name
        the message.
      • fieldNotFound$str

        protected String fieldNotFound$str()
      • fieldNotFound

        public final fieldNotFound​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the field, represented by the name parameter, was not found.
        Specified by:
        fieldNotFound in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the field.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • injectionTargetNotFound$str

        protected String injectionTargetNotFound$str()
      • invalidCharacterLength$str

        protected String invalidCharacterLength$str()
      • invalidCharacterLength

        public final invalidCharacterLength​(String elementName,
                                                                                                             String value)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the elementName character type is not exactly one character long.
        Specified by:
        invalidCharacterLength in interface EeLogger
        elementName - the element name.
        value - the value.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • invalidDescriptor$str

        protected String invalidDescriptor$str()
      • invalidInjectionTarget$str

        protected String invalidInjectionTarget$str()
      • invalidInjectionTarget

        public final invalidInjectionTarget​(String targetName,
                                                                                                             String targetType,
                                                                                                             Class<?> type)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the injection target, represented by the targetName parameter, on the class, represented by the targetType parameter, is not compatible with the type of injection.
        Specified by:
        invalidInjectionTarget in interface EeLogger
        targetName - the name of the target.
        targetType - the type of the target.
        type - the type provided.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • invalidNumberOfArguments$str

        protected String invalidNumberOfArguments$str()
      • invalidNumberOfArguments

        public final String invalidNumberOfArguments​(String methodName,
                                                     org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotation,
                                                     org.jboss.jandex.DotName className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        A message indicating there are an invalid number of arguments for the method, represented by the parameter, annotated with the annotation on the class, represented by the className parameter.
        Specified by:
        invalidNumberOfArguments in interface EeLogger
        methodName - the name of the method.
        annotation - the annotation.
        className - the name of the class.
        the message.
      • invalidReturnType$str

        protected String invalidReturnType$str()
      • invalidReturnType

        public final IllegalArgumentException invalidReturnType​(String returnType,
                                                                String methodName,
                                                                org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotation,
                                                                org.jboss.jandex.DotName className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating a return type for the method, represented by the methodName parameter, annotated with the annotation on the class, represented by the className parameter.
        Specified by:
        invalidReturnType in interface EeLogger
        returnType - the return type required.
        methodName - the name of the method.
        annotation - the annotation.
        className - the name of the class.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • invalidSignature$str

        protected String invalidSignature$str()
      • invalidSignature

        public final String invalidSignature​(String name,
                                             org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotation,
                                             org.jboss.jandex.DotName className,
                                             String signatureArg)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        A message indicating methods annotated with the annotation must have a single argument.
        Specified by:
        invalidSignature in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the method.
        annotation - the annotation.
        className - the class name.
        signatureArg - the signature argument.
        the message.
      • invalidValue$str

        protected String invalidValue$str()
      • invalidValue

        public final XMLStreamException invalidValue​(String value,
                                                     String element,
                                                     Location location)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the value for the element is invalid.
        Specified by:
        invalidValue in interface EeLogger
        value - the invalid value.
        element - the element.
        location - the location of the error.
        XMLStreamException for the error.
      • methodNotFound1$str

        protected String methodNotFound1$str()
      • methodNotFound3$str

        protected String methodNotFound3$str()
      • methodNotFound

        public final methodNotFound​(String name,
                                                                                                     String paramType,
                                                                                                     String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the method does not exist.
        Specified by:
        methodNotFound in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the method.
        paramType - the parameter type.
        className - the class name.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • methodOnlyAnnotation$str

        protected String methodOnlyAnnotation$str()
      • methodOnlyAnnotation

        public final methodOnlyAnnotation​(org.jboss.jandex.DotName annotation)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the annotation is only allowed on method targets.
        Specified by:
        methodOnlyAnnotation in interface EeLogger
        annotation - the annotation.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • multipleComponentsFound$str

        protected String multipleComponentsFound$str()
      • multipleComponentsFound

        public final multipleComponentsFound​(String typeName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating multiple components were found for the type.
        Specified by:
        multipleComponentsFound in interface EeLogger
        typeName - the name of the component.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • multipleMethodsFound$str

        protected String multipleMethodsFound$str()
      • multipleMethodsFound

        public final multipleMethodsFound​(String name,
                                                                                                           String paramType,
                                                                                                           String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating multiple methods found.
        Specified by:
        multipleMethodsFound in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the method.
        paramType - the parameter type.
        className - the class name.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • multipleSetterMethodsFound$str

        protected String multipleSetterMethodsFound$str()
      • multipleSetterMethodsFound

        public final multipleSetterMethodsFound​(String targetName,
                                                                                                                 String className)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating multiple setter methods found.
        Specified by:
        multipleSetterMethodsFound in interface EeLogger
        targetName - the name of the method.
        className - the class name.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • noComponentInstance$str

        protected String noComponentInstance$str()
      • nullBindingName$str

        protected String nullBindingName$str()
      • nullBindingName

        public final nullBindingName​(BindingConfiguration config)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the binding name must not be null.
        Specified by:
        nullBindingName in interface EeLogger
        config - the binding configuration.
        an DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • nullOrEmptyManagedBeanClassName$str

        protected String nullOrEmptyManagedBeanClassName$str()
      • nullOrEmptyResourceReferenceType$str

        protected String nullOrEmptyResourceReferenceType$str()
      • nullResourceReference$str

        protected String nullResourceReference$str()
      • nullVar1$str

        protected String nullVar1$str()
      • priorityAlreadyExists$str

        protected String priorityAlreadyExists$str()
      • serviceNotStarted$str

        protected String serviceNotStarted$str()
      • setterMethodOnly$str

        protected String setterMethodOnly$str()
      • setterMethodOnly

        public final IllegalArgumentException setterMethodOnly​(String annotation,
                                                               org.jboss.jandex.MethodInfo methodInfo)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the annotation injection target is invalid and only setter methods are allowed.
        Specified by:
        setterMethodOnly in interface EeLogger
        annotation - the annotation.
        methodInfo - the method information.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • unknownAnnotationTargetType$str

        protected String unknownAnnotationTargetType$str()
      • unknownAnnotationTargetType

        public final RuntimeException unknownAnnotationTargetType​(org.jboss.jandex.AnnotationTarget target)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the AnnotationTarget type is unknown.
        Specified by:
        unknownAnnotationTargetType in interface EeLogger
        target - the annotation target.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • unknownElementType$str

        protected String unknownElementType$str()
      • unknownElementType

        public final unknownElementType​(String elementName,
                                                                                                         String type)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the type for the elementName for the type is unknown.
        Specified by:
        unknownElementType in interface EeLogger
        elementName - the name of the element.
        type - the type.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • viewMethodNotFound$str

        protected String viewMethodNotFound$str()
      • viewMethodNotFound

        public final IllegalArgumentException viewMethodNotFound​(String name,
                                                                 String descriptor,
                                                                 Class<?> viewClass,
                                                                 Class<?> component)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the method could not found on the view.
        Specified by:
        viewMethodNotFound in interface EeLogger
        name - the name of the method.
        descriptor - the method descriptor.
        viewClass - the view class.
        component - the component class.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • unexpectedElement$str

        protected String unexpectedElement$str()
      • unexpectedElement

        public final XMLStreamException unexpectedElement​(QName name,
                                                          Location location)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating an unexpected element, represented by the name parameter, was encountered.
        Specified by:
        unexpectedElement in interface EeLogger
        name - the unexpected element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • failedToProcessEJBClientDescriptor$str

        protected String failedToProcessEJBClientDescriptor$str()
      • failedToProcessEJBClientDescriptor

        public final failedToProcessEJBClientDescriptor​(Throwable cause)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating that the jboss-ejb-client.xml couldn't be processed
        Specified by:
        failedToProcessEJBClientDescriptor in interface EeLogger
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • xmlErrorParsingEJBClientDescriptor$str

        protected String xmlErrorParsingEJBClientDescriptor$str()
      • xmlErrorParsingEJBClientDescriptor

        public final xmlErrorParsingEJBClientDescriptor​(XMLStreamException cause,
                                                                                                                         String fileLocation)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating that there was an exception while parsing a jboss-ejb-client.xml
        Specified by:
        xmlErrorParsingEJBClientDescriptor in interface EeLogger
        fileLocation - the location of jboss-ejb-client.xml
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • errorParsingEJBClientDescriptor$str

        protected String errorParsingEJBClientDescriptor$str()
      • noMessageDestination$str

        protected String noMessageDestination$str()
      • moreThanOneMessageDestination$str

        protected String moreThanOneMessageDestination$str()
      • failedToLoadJbossProperties$str

        protected String failedToLoadJbossProperties$str()
      • unsupportedModuleType$str

        protected String unsupportedModuleType$str()
      • unsupportedModuleType

        public final unsupportedModuleType​(String moduleFileName)
        Specified by:
        unsupportedModuleType in interface EeLogger
      • rootAsLibraryDirectory$str

        protected String rootAsLibraryDirectory$str()
      • rootAsLibraryDirectory

        public final rootAsLibraryDirectory()
        Specified by:
        rootAsLibraryDirectory in interface EeLogger
      • earModuleChildOfLibraryDirectory$str

        protected String earModuleChildOfLibraryDirectory$str()
      • earModuleChildOfLibraryDirectory

        public final earModuleChildOfLibraryDirectory​(String libraryDirectory,
                                                                                                                       String moduleFileName)
        Specified by:
        earModuleChildOfLibraryDirectory in interface EeLogger
      • managedReferenceWasNull$str

        protected String managedReferenceWasNull$str()
      • propertiesNotAllowedOnGlobalModules$str

        protected String propertiesNotAllowedOnGlobalModules$str()
      • concurrentServiceValueUninitialized$str

        protected String concurrentServiceValueUninitialized$str()
      • serializationMustBeHandledByTheFactory$str

        protected String serializationMustBeHandledByTheFactory$str()
      • factoryAlreadyExists$str

        protected String factoryAlreadyExists$str()
      • factoryNotFound$str

        protected String factoryNotFound$str()
      • concurrentContextServiceNotInstalled$str

        protected String concurrentContextServiceNotInstalled$str()
      • transactionSetupProviderServiceNotInstalled$str

        protected String transactionSetupProviderServiceNotInstalled$str()
      • instanceDataCanOnlyBeSetDuringConstruction$str

        protected String instanceDataCanOnlyBeSetDuringConstruction$str()
      • aroundInvokeAnnotationUsedTooManyTimes$str

        protected String aroundInvokeAnnotationUsedTooManyTimes$str()
      • aroundInvokeAnnotationUsedTooManyTimes

        public final aroundInvokeAnnotationUsedTooManyTimes​(org.jboss.jandex.DotName className,
                                                                                                                             int numberOfAnnotatedMethods)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating that there was a exception while deploying AroundInvokeInterceptor
        Specified by:
        aroundInvokeAnnotationUsedTooManyTimes in interface EeLogger
        className - the name of the class.
        numberOfAnnotatedMethods - the number of @aroundInvoke annotations in the specified class.
        a DeploymentUnitProcessingException for the error.
      • failedToRunTask$str

        protected String failedToRunTask$str()
      • cannotRunScheduledTask$str

        protected String cannotRunScheduledTask$str()
      • invalidCoreThreadsSize$str

        protected String invalidCoreThreadsSize$str()
      • invalidCoreThreadsSize

        public final invalidCoreThreadsSize​(String queueLengthValue)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the core-threads must be greater than 0 for the task queue.
        Specified by:
        invalidCoreThreadsSize in interface EeLogger
        queueLengthValue - the queue length value
        an OperationFailedException for the exception
      • invalidMaxThreads$str

        protected String invalidMaxThreads$str()
      • invalidMaxThreads

        public final invalidMaxThreads​(int maxThreads,
                                                                                        int coreThreads)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the max-threads value cannot be less than the core-threads value.
        Specified by:
        invalidMaxThreads in interface EeLogger
        maxThreads - the size for the max threads
        coreThreads - the size for the core threads
        an OperationFailedException for the exception
      • classDoesNotImplementAllInterfaces$str

        protected String classDoesNotImplementAllInterfaces$str()
      • nullName$str

        protected String nullName$str()
      • nullVar3$str

        protected String nullVar3$str()
      • nullVar

        public final IllegalArgumentException nullVar​(String variable,
                                                      String objectType,
                                                      String objectName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Creates an exception indicating the variable, represented by the variable parameter in the @{code objectType} objectName, is null.
        Specified by:
        nullVar in interface EeLogger
        variable - the name of the variable.
        objectType - the type of the object.
        objectName - the name of the object.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • cannotSetField$str

        protected String cannotSetField$str()
      • executorServiceNotFound$str

        protected String executorServiceNotFound$str()
      • executorServiceNotFound

        public final executorServiceNotFound​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName serviceName)
        Specified by:
        executorServiceNotFound in interface EeLogger
      • unsupportedExecutorServiceMetric$str

        protected String unsupportedExecutorServiceMetric$str()
      • globalDirectoryDoNotExist$str

        protected String globalDirectoryDoNotExist$str()
      • globalDirectoryDoNotExist

        public final org.jboss.msc.service.StartException globalDirectoryDoNotExist​(String globalDirectoryPath,
                                                                                    String globalDirectoryName)
        Specified by:
        globalDirectoryDoNotExist in interface EeLogger
      • oneGlobalDirectory$str

        protected String oneGlobalDirectory$str()
      • oneGlobalDirectory

        public final oneGlobalDirectory​(String newGlobalDirectory,
                                                                                         String existingGlobalDirectory)
        Specified by:
        oneGlobalDirectory in interface EeLogger
      • errorDeletingJACCPolicy$str

        protected String errorDeletingJACCPolicy$str()
      • unableToStartException$str

        protected String unableToStartException$str()
      • rejectedDueToMaxRequests$str

        protected String rejectedDueToMaxRequests$str()
      • invalidNamePrefix$str

        protected String invalidNamePrefix$str()
      • huntTaskTerminationFailure

        public final void huntTaskTerminationFailure​(Throwable cause,
                                                     String executorName,
                                                     String taskName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a warning message indicating a failure when terminating a managed executor's hung task.
        Specified by:
        huntTaskTerminationFailure in interface EeLogger
        cause - the cause of the error.
        executorName - the name of the executor.
        taskName - the name of the hung task.
      • huntTaskTerminationFailure$str

        protected String huntTaskTerminationFailure$str()
      • hungTaskCancelled

        public final void hungTaskCancelled​(String executorName,
                                            String taskName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a message indicating a hung task was cancelled.
        Specified by:
        hungTaskCancelled in interface EeLogger
        executorName - the name of the executor.
        taskName - the name of the hung task.
      • hungTaskCancelled$str

        protected String hungTaskCancelled$str()
      • hungTaskNotCancelled

        public final void hungTaskNotCancelled​(String executorName,
                                               String taskName)
        Description copied from interface: EeLogger
        Logs a message indicating a hung task was not cancelled.
        Specified by:
        hungTaskNotCancelled in interface EeLogger
        executorName - the name of the executor.
        taskName - the name of the hung task.
      • hungTaskNotCancelled$str

        protected String hungTaskNotCancelled$str()
      • attributeNoLongerSupported$str

        protected String attributeNoLongerSupported$str()
      • managedReferenceMethodWasNull$str

        protected String managedReferenceMethodWasNull$str()
      • duplicateJndiBindingFound$str

        protected String duplicateJndiBindingFound$str()
      • multipleUsesOfAllRemaining$str

        protected String multipleUsesOfAllRemaining$str()
      • failedToResumeTransaction$str

        protected String failedToResumeTransaction$str()
      • failureWhileRunningTask$str

        protected String failureWhileRunningTask$str()