Class WildFlyProviderResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WildFlyProviderResolver
    extends Object
    implements jakarta.validation.ValidationProviderResolver
    A ValidationProviderResolver to be used within WildFly. If several BV providers are available, HibernateValidator will be the first element of the returned provider list.

    The providers are loaded via the current thread's context class loader; If no providers are found, the loader of this class will be tried as fallback.

    Note: This class is a copy of
    Hardy Ferentschik, Gunnar Morling
    • Constructor Detail

      • WildFlyProviderResolver

        public WildFlyProviderResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • getValidationProviders

        public List<jakarta.validation.spi.ValidationProvider<?>> getValidationProviders()
        Returns a list with all ValidationProvider validation providers.
        Specified by:
        getValidationProviders in interface jakarta.validation.ValidationProviderResolver
        a list with all ValidationProvider validation providers