Class WebComponentProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WebComponentProcessor
    extends Object
    Processor that figures out what type of component a servlet/listener is, and registers the appropriate metadata. The different types are:
    • Managed Bean - If the servlet is annotated with the ManagedBean annotation
    • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection Bean - If the servlet is deployed in a bean archive
    • EE Component - If this is an EE deployment and the servlet is not one of the above
    • Normal Servlet - If the EE subsystem is disabled

    For ManagedBean Servlets no action is necessary at this stage, as the servlet is already registered as a component. For Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection and EE components a component definition is added to the deployment.

    For now we are just using managed bean components as servlets. We may need a custom component type in future.

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebComponentProcessor

        public WebComponentProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • deploy

        public void deploy​( phaseContext)
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface