Class WeldDeploymentMarker

  • public class WeldDeploymentMarker
    extends Object
    Marker for top level deployments that contain a beans.xml file
    Stuart Douglas
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean isPartOfWeldDeployment​( unit)
      returns true if the DeploymentUnit is part of a weld deployment
      static boolean isWeldDeployment​( unit)
      returns true if the DeploymentUnit has a beans.xml in any of it's resource roots, or is a top level deployment that contains sub-deployments that are weld deployments.
      static void mark​( unit)
      Mark this deployment and the top level deployment as being a weld deployment.
    • Method Detail

      • mark

        public static void mark​( unit)
        Mark this deployment and the top level deployment as being a weld deployment.
      • isPartOfWeldDeployment

        public static boolean isPartOfWeldDeployment​( unit)
        returns true if the DeploymentUnit is part of a weld deployment
      • isWeldDeployment

        public static boolean isWeldDeployment​( unit)
        returns true if the DeploymentUnit has a beans.xml in any of it's resource roots, or is a top level deployment that contains sub-deployments that are weld deployments.