Package org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2
Interface Summary Interface Description IntrospectionDataProvider This extension is to provide additional information for introspection response.OAuthAuthorizationRequestBuilder This is a request builder used to build oauth authorization requests when the request_uri is present. -
Class Summary Class Description OAuth2Constants This class contains the constants required by the OAuth2 components.OAuth2Constants.OAuthColumnName This class define static variables for column names in db.OAuth2Constants.RoleBasedScope Constants for global role based scope issuer.OAuth2Constants.TokenBinderType Constants for access token binders.Oauth2ScopeConstants This class holds the constants used by OAuth2ScopeService.Oauth2ScopeConstants.DataBaseType Database types constants.Oauth2ScopeConstants.SQLPlaceholders SQL PlaceholdersOAuth2ScopeService OAuth2ScopeService use for scope handlingOAuth2Service OAuth2 Service which is used to issue authorization codes or access tokens upon authorizing by the user and issue/validateGrant access tokens.OAuth2TokenValidationService This is the SOAP version of the OAuth validation service which will be used by the resource server.ResponseHeader OAuth 2 response header. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Oauth2ScopeConstants.ErrorMessages Enums for error messages. -
Exception Summary Exception Description IdentityOAuth2ClientException Identity OAuth 2 Client exception.IdentityOAuth2Exception Identity OAuth 2 exception.IdentityOAuth2ScopeClientException Used for creating checked exceptions that can be handled.IdentityOAuth2ScopeConsentException OAuth scope consent exception.IdentityOAuth2ScopeException Used for creating checked exceptions that can be handled.IdentityOAuth2ScopeServerException Used for creating checked exceptions that can be handled.IdentityOAuth2ServerException Identity OAuth 2 server exception.IdentityOAuth2UnauthorizedScopeException OAuth invalid scope exception.IDTokenValidationFailureException Custom exception class for open id token validation failureOAuthSystemClientException OAuth client exception extended from OAuthSystemException.RequestObjectException Custom exception to be thrown inside DynamicClientRegistration related functionality.