Interface PDFCreationListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultPDFCreationListener, XHtmlMetaToPdfInfoAdapter

public interface PDFCreationListener
Callback listener for PDF creation. To use this, call ITextRenderer.setListener(PDFCreationListener). Note that with a handle on the ITextRenderer instance (provided in the callback arguments) you can access the PdfWriter instance being used to create the document, using ITextRenderer.getOutputDevice(), then calling ITextOutputDevice.getWriter().
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called immediately before the iText Document instance is closed, e.g.
    preOpen(ITextRenderer iTextRenderer)
    Called immediately after the iText Document instance is created but before the call to is called.
    preWrite(ITextRenderer iTextRenderer, int pageCount)
    Called immediately before the pages of the PDF file are about to be written out.
  • Method Details

    • preOpen

      void preOpen(ITextRenderer iTextRenderer)
      Called immediately after the iText Document instance is created but before the call to is called. At this point you may still modify certain properties of the PDF document header via the PdfWriter; once open() is called, you can't change, e.g. the version. See the iText documentation for what limitations there are at this phase of processing.
      iTextRenderer - the renderer preparing the document
    • preWrite

      void preWrite(ITextRenderer iTextRenderer, int pageCount)
      Called immediately before the pages of the PDF file are about to be written out. This is an opportunity to modify any document metadata that will be used to generate the PDF header fields (the document information dictionary). Document metadata may be accessed through the ITextOutputDevice that is returned by ITextRenderer.getOutputDevice().
      iTextRenderer - the renderer preparing the document
      pageCount - the number of pages that will be written to the PDF document
    • onClose

      void onClose(ITextRenderer renderer)
      Called immediately before the iText Document instance is closed, e.g. before com.itextpdf.text.Document#close() is called.
      renderer - the iTextRenderer preparing the document