Class PDFRenderer


@ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public class PDFRenderer extends Object

PDFRenderer supports headless rendering of XHTML documents, outputting to PDF format. There are two static utility methods, one for rendering a URL, renderToPDF(String, String) and one for rendering a File, renderToPDF(File, String)

You can use this utility from the command line by passing in the URL or file location as first parameter, and PDF path as second parameter:

 java -cp %classpath% org.xhtmlrenderer.simple.PDFRenderer  
Pete Brant, Patrick Wright
  • Constructor Details

    • PDFRenderer

      public PDFRenderer()
  • Method Details

    • renderToPDF

      public static void renderToPDF(String url, String pdf) throws IOException, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
      Renders the XML file at the given URL as a PDF file at the target location.
      url - url for the XML file to render
      pdf - path to the PDF file to create
      IOException - if the URL or PDF location is invalid
      com.lowagie.text.DocumentException - if an error occurred while building the Document.
    • renderToPDF

      public static void renderToPDF(String url, String pdf, @Nullable Character pdfVersion) throws IOException, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
      Renders the XML file at the given URL as a PDF file at the target location.
      url - url for the XML file to render
      pdf - path to the PDF file to create
      pdfVersion - version of PDF to output; null uses default version
      IOException - if the URL or PDF location is invalid
      com.lowagie.text.DocumentException - if an error occurred while building the Document.
    • renderToPDF

      public static void renderToPDF(File file, String pdf) throws IOException, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
      Renders the XML file as a PDF file at the target location.
      file - XML file to render
      pdf - path to the PDF file to create
      IOException - if the file or PDF location is invalid
      com.lowagie.text.DocumentException - if an error occurred while building the Document.
    • renderToPDF

      public static void renderToPDF(File file, String pdf, @Nullable Character pdfVersion) throws IOException, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
      Renders the XML file as a PDF file at the target location.
      file - XML file to render
      pdf - path to the PDF file to create
      pdfVersion - version of PDF to output; null uses default version
      IOException - if the file or PDF location is invalid
      com.lowagie.text.DocumentException - if an error occurred while building the Document.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
      Renders a file or URL to a PDF. Command line use: first argument is URL or file path, second argument is path to PDF file to generate.
      args - see desc
      IOException - if source could not be read, or if PDF path is invalid
      com.lowagie.text.DocumentException - if an error occurs while building the document