Interface DelegatedKeyPairService

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DelegatedKeyPairService extends DelegatedPublicKeyProvider
Defines how to create XRPL public/private key pairs in a delegated manner, meaning private-key material is never accessible via the runtime operating this service.
  • Method Details

    • createKeyPair

      void createKeyPair(KeyMetadata keyMetadata)
      Create a new delegated key pair.

      There is often some inherent latency with creating new key pairs on external systems such as an HSM or a cloud based key management system. In some cases, those external APIs will eagerly return a successful result before the key pair has actually been generated. Therefore, this method does not return anything, and callers should not expect that a key pair has been generated on the external system yet just because this method did not throw an exception.

      With this in mind, users should call this method to create a key pair, then call DelegatedPublicKeyProvider.getPublicKey(KeyMetadata) until it returns a result. Alternatively, the implementation of DelegatedPublicKeyProvider.getPublicKey(KeyMetadata) could poll until it receives a successful result containing a public key.

      keyMetadata - The KeyMetadata identifying the key pair to create.