Interface KeyPairService

public interface KeyPairService
Interface of a service that can perform the crypto operations necessary derive XRPL seeds, key-pairs, and addresses.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Derive a public/private keypair from a Base58Check encoded 16 byte seed.
    default Seed
    Generate a random 16-byte seed to be used to derive a private key.
    Generate a 16 byte seed, which can be used to derive a private key, from a non-encoded value.
  • Method Details

    • generateSeed

      default Seed generateSeed()
      Generate a random 16-byte seed to be used to derive a private key.
      A String containing a randomly generated Base58Check encoded seed value.
    • generateSeed

      Seed generateSeed(Entropy entropy)
      Generate a 16 byte seed, which can be used to derive a private key, from a non-encoded value.
      entropy - An UnsignedByteArray containing the bytes of entropy to encode into a seed.
      A String containing the Base58Check encoded seed value.
    • deriveKeyPair

      KeyPair deriveKeyPair(Seed seed)
      Derive a public/private keypair from a Base58Check encoded 16 byte seed.
      seed - A Base58Check encoded String containing the seed.
      The KeyPair derived from the seed.