Interface TransactionSigner

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@Deprecated public interface TransactionSigner
Prefer the variant found in org.xrpl.xrpl4j.crypto.core instead.
Defines how to sign an XRPL transaction using private key material supplied by the caller.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    sign(KeyMetadata keyMetadata, T transaction)
    Obtain a signature for the supplied transaction using the private-key that corresponds to keyMetadata.
    signWithBehavior(KeyMetadata keyMetadata, Transaction transaction, SigningBehavior behavior)
    Obtain a signature according to the behavior specified for the supplied transaction using the private-key that corresponds to keyMetadata.
  • Method Details

    • sign

      <T extends Transaction> SignedTransaction<T> sign(KeyMetadata keyMetadata, T transaction)
      Obtain a signature for the supplied transaction using the private-key that corresponds to keyMetadata. If an implementation does not contain more than a single public/private key pair, then KeyMetadata.EMPTY should be passed into this method.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the transaction to be signed.
      keyMetadata - A KeyMetadata that describes the public/private Keypair to use for signing operations.
      transaction - A Transaction to sign.
      A SignedTransaction containing binary data that can be submitted to the XRP Ledger in order to effect a transaction.
    • signWithBehavior

      Signature signWithBehavior(KeyMetadata keyMetadata, Transaction transaction, SigningBehavior behavior)
      Obtain a signature according to the behavior specified for the supplied transaction using the private-key that corresponds to keyMetadata. This method can be used to sign a multi-signed transaction by passing in SigningBehavior.MULTI.

      If an implementation does not contain more than a single public/private key pair, then KeyMetadata.EMPTY should be passed into this method.

      keyMetadata - A KeyMetadata that describes the public/private Keypair to use for signing operations.
      transaction - A Transaction to sign.
      behavior - A SigningBehavior specifying the type of signature that should be produced.
      A Signature containing the transaction signature.