Interface WalletFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface WalletFactory
    Interface for constructing XRPL wallets.
    • Method Detail

      • randomWallet

        SeedWalletGenerationResult randomWallet​(boolean isTest)
        Generate a Wallet by generating a random seed and deriving the public/private keys and XRPL address from it.
        isTest - A boolean requesting either a testnet wallet (if true) or a mainnet wallet (if false).
        A SeedWalletGenerationResult, which contains the seed that was generated, as well as the Wallet.
      • fromSeed

        Wallet fromSeed​(String seed,
                        boolean isTest)
        Generate a Wallet from a Base58Check encoded seed value.
        seed - A Base58Check encoded 16 byte seed value.
        isTest - A boolean indicating either a testnet wallet (if true) or a mainnet wallet (if false).
        The Wallet derived from the seed.
      • fromKeyPair

        Wallet fromKeyPair​(KeyPair keyPair,
                           boolean isTest)
        Generate a Wallet from a KeyPair.
        keyPair - The KeyPair containing the private and public keys used to generate the Wallet.
        isTest - A boolean indicating either a testnet wallet (if true) or a mainnet wallet (if false).
        The Wallet derived from the keyPair.