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AbstractVerifyMojo - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Common code for the Verify and Format Mojos.
AbstractVerifyMojo() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
AUTHOR - Static variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Admin author for creator/contentAuthor and author.


commonsVersion - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
The Commons version to be used by this mojo.
contentPages - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Explicitly define a list of pages (it's a regex) that should be considered as content pages (rather than technical pages which is the default).


defaultLanguage - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
The language in which non-translated documents are written in.


encoding - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
The encoding to use when generating the package summary file and when storing file names.
excludes - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
List of files to exclude.
execute() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
execute() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.UnXARMojo
execute() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.VerifyMojo
execute() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
executeLicenseGoal(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Executes a goal of the Maven License plugin (used for adding or checking for license headers.


factory - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.
FILE_TAG - Static variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
The name of the tag that marks a specific file in link #PACKAGE_XML.
FILES_TAG - Static variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
The name of the tag that marks the list of files in link #PACKAGE_XML.
force - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
If true then don't check if the packaging is XAR before running mojos.
formatLicense - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
If true then check for cliense and add a license header to XML files.
FormatMojo - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Pretty prints and set valid authors and version to XAR XML files.
FormatMojo() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo


getAction() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getArtifact() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getCharset() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getContent() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getDocFromXML(File) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Load a XWiki document from its XML representation.
getDocument() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XAREntry
getDocumentNamesFromXML(File) - Static method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
Gets the list of document names from a 'package.xml'-like document.
getDocumentNamesFromXML(InputStream) - Static method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
getEntryMap() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
getExcludes() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
getFile() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getIncludes() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
getProject() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
getResourcesDirectory() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
getType() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XAREntry
getValue() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getXarEntriesMapFromXML(File) - Static method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
Gets the list of entry from a 'package.xml'-like document.
getXarEntriesMapFromXML(InputStream) - Static method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
Gets the list of entry from a 'package.xml'-like document.
getXARXMLFiles() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
getXml() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getXpath() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
getXWikiCommonsVersion() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
guessDefaultLocale(File, Collection<File>) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Guess the &lt;defaultLanguage&gt; value to use for the passed file using the following algorithm: If the page name matches one of the regexes defined by the user as a translated page, then check that the default language is AbstractVerifyMojo.defaultLanguage. Otherwise, if the page name matches one of the regexes defined by the user as a content page, then check that the default language is AbstractVerifyMojo.defaultLanguage. Otherwise, if there's no other translation of the file then check that the default language is empty since it's a technical page. Otherwise, if there are other translations ("(prefix).(language).xml" format) then check that the default language should is AbstractVerifyMojo.defaultLanguage


includes - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
List of files to include.
initializePatterns() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Initialize regex Patterns for performance reasons.
initializePatterns() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.VerifyMojo
INSERT_ATTACHMENT_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Add content of the binary base64-encoded as child of the found node.
INSERT_CHILD - Enum constant in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Add passed XML as child of the found node.
INSERT_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Add content of the text file as child-text of the found node.
isContentPage(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
isTranslatablePage(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
isVisibleTechnicalPage(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo


mavenProjectBuilder - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Project builder -- builds a model from a pom.xml.


org.xwiki.tool.xar - package org.xwiki.tool.xar


PACKAGE_XML - Static variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
The name of the XAR descriptor file.
project - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
The maven project.


remoteRepos - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
List of Remote Repositories used by the resolver.
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Remove the found node.
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Replace the found node with passed XML.
resolveArtifactDependencies(Artifact) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
This method resolves all transitive dependencies of an artifact.
resolveDependencyArtifacts(MavenProject) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
resolver - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Used to look up Artifacts in the remote repository.


setAction(Transformation.Action) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setArtifact(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setCharset(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setContent(File) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setDocument(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XAREntry
setFile(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setType(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XAREntry
setValue(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
setXml(File) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
setXpath(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
skipAuthors - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Disables the check for the existence of the author fields.
skipAuthorsDocumentList - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Disables the check for the existence of the author fields.
skipDates - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Disables the check for the existence of the date fields.
skipDatesDocumentList - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Disables the check for the existence of the date fields.


Transformation - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Hold Transformation configuration as specified by the user in its pom.xml.
Transformation() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation
Transformation.Action - Enum Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
The action to apply.
translatablePages - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Explicitly define a list of pages (it's a regex) that can have translations and thus which must have a default language not empty.


unpack(File, File, String, boolean, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Unpacks the XAR file (exclude the package.xml file if it exists).
unpackDependentXars(Artifact) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.UnXARMojo
Unpack xar dependencies of the provided artifact.
unpackXARToOutputDirectory(Artifact, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.FormatMojo
Unpacks A XAR artifacts into the build output directory, along with the project's XAR files.
UnXARMojo - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Expand a XAR file.
UnXARMojo() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.UnXARMojo


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.xwiki.tool.xar.Transformation.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerifyMojo - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Perform various verifications of the XAR files in this project.
VerifyMojo() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.VerifyMojo
VERSION - Static variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
First version.
visibleTechnicalPages - Variable in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.AbstractVerifyMojo
Explicitly define a list of pages (it's a regex) that are technical pages but that should be visible (not hidden).


writeComment(String) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
writeDeclaration() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
writeNodeText(Node) - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
writePrintln() - Method in class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter


XAREntry - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Properties to apply to a XAR entry.
XAREntry() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XAREntry
XARMojo - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Gather all resources in a XAR file (which is actually a ZIP file).
XARMojo() - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XARMojo
XWikiXMLWriter - Class in org.xwiki.tool.xar
Custom XML Writer to support XWiki's code style for XAR XML files.
XWikiXMLWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
XWikiXMLWriter(OutputStream, OutputFormat) - Constructor for class org.xwiki.tool.xar.XWikiXMLWriter
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values