Interface CreateTransferRequestOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CreateTransferRequest, CreateTransferRequest.Builder

    public interface CreateTransferRequestOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasInstance

        boolean hasInstance()
        optional string instance = 1;
      • getInstance

        String getInstance()
        optional string instance = 1;
      • getInstanceBytes getInstanceBytes()
        optional string instance = 1;
      • hasServiceName

        boolean hasServiceName()
        CFDP service name
        optional string serviceName = 8;
      • getServiceName

        String getServiceName()
        CFDP service name
        optional string serviceName = 8;
      • getServiceNameBytes getServiceNameBytes()
        CFDP service name
        optional string serviceName = 8;
      • hasDirection

        boolean hasDirection()
         **Required** One of ``UPLOAD`` or ``DOWNLOAD``.
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.TransferDirection direction = 2;
      • getDirection

        TransferDirection getDirection()
         **Required** One of ``UPLOAD`` or ``DOWNLOAD``.
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.TransferDirection direction = 2;
      • hasBucket

        boolean hasBucket()
         **Required** The bucket containing the local Yamcs object.
        optional string bucket = 3;
      • getBucket

        String getBucket()
         **Required** The bucket containing the local Yamcs object.
        optional string bucket = 3;
      • getBucketBytes getBucketBytes()
         **Required** The bucket containing the local Yamcs object.
        optional string bucket = 3;
      • hasObjectName

        boolean hasObjectName()
         **Required** The object name in Yamcs bucket storage. For UPLOAD transfers,
         this object must exist and is what Yamcs will transfer to the remote
         CFDP entity. For DOWNLOAD transfers, it refers to the object that
         Yamcs will write to when downloading from a remote CFDP entity.
        optional string objectName = 4;
      • getObjectName

        String getObjectName()
         **Required** The object name in Yamcs bucket storage. For UPLOAD transfers,
         this object must exist and is what Yamcs will transfer to the remote
         CFDP entity. For DOWNLOAD transfers, it refers to the object that
         Yamcs will write to when downloading from a remote CFDP entity.
        optional string objectName = 4;
      • getObjectNameBytes getObjectNameBytes()
         **Required** The object name in Yamcs bucket storage. For UPLOAD transfers,
         this object must exist and is what Yamcs will transfer to the remote
         CFDP entity. For DOWNLOAD transfers, it refers to the object that
         Yamcs will write to when downloading from a remote CFDP entity.
        optional string objectName = 4;
      • hasRemotePath

        boolean hasRemotePath()
         **Required** The path at the remote CFDP entity. Example: ``a/local/path/some_filename``.
        optional string remotePath = 5;
      • getRemotePath

        String getRemotePath()
         **Required** The path at the remote CFDP entity. Example: ``a/local/path/some_filename``.
        optional string remotePath = 5;
      • getRemotePathBytes getRemotePathBytes()
         **Required** The path at the remote CFDP entity. Example: ``a/local/path/some_filename``.
        optional string remotePath = 5;
      • hasDownloadOptions

        boolean hasDownloadOptions()
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.CreateTransferRequest.DownloadOptions downloadOptions = 6;
      • hasUploadOptions

        boolean hasUploadOptions()
         Configuration options specific to ``UPLOAD`` transfers.
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.CreateTransferRequest.UploadOptions uploadOptions = 7;
      • getUploadOptions

        CreateTransferRequest.UploadOptions getUploadOptions()
         Configuration options specific to ``UPLOAD`` transfers.
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.CreateTransferRequest.UploadOptions uploadOptions = 7;
      • getUploadOptionsOrBuilder

        CreateTransferRequest.UploadOptionsOrBuilder getUploadOptionsOrBuilder()
         Configuration options specific to ``UPLOAD`` transfers.
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.cfdp.CreateTransferRequest.UploadOptions uploadOptions = 7;
      • hasSource

        boolean hasSource()
        used to derive the source entity id
        optional string source = 9;
      • getSource

        String getSource()
        used to derive the source entity id
        optional string source = 9;
      • getSourceBytes getSourceBytes()
        used to derive the source entity id
        optional string source = 9;
      • hasDestination

        boolean hasDestination()
        used to derive the destination entity id
        optional string destination = 10;
      • getDestination

        String getDestination()
        used to derive the destination entity id
        optional string destination = 10;
      • getDestinationBytes getDestinationBytes()
        used to derive the destination entity id
        optional string destination = 10;