Interface Mdb.ContextCalibratorInfoOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Mdb.ContextCalibratorInfo, Mdb.ContextCalibratorInfo.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Mdb.ContextCalibratorInfoOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Mdb.CalibratorInfo getCalibrator()
      optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      Mdb.CalibratorInfoOrBuilder getCalibratorOrBuilder()
      optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      Mdb.ComparisonInfo getComparison​(int index)
      repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      int getComparisonCount()
      repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      List<Mdb.ComparisonInfo> getComparisonList()
      repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      Mdb.ComparisonInfoOrBuilder getComparisonOrBuilder​(int index)
      repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      List<? extends Mdb.ComparisonInfoOrBuilder> getComparisonOrBuilderList()
      repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      String getContext()
      This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the excel spreadsheet. getContextBytes()
      This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the excel spreadsheet.
      boolean hasCalibrator()
      optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      boolean hasContext()
      This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the excel spreadsheet.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getComparisonList

        List<Mdb.ComparisonInfo> getComparisonList()
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      • getComparison

        Mdb.ComparisonInfo getComparison​(int index)
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      • getComparisonCount

        int getComparisonCount()
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      • getComparisonOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Mdb.ComparisonInfoOrBuilder> getComparisonOrBuilderList()
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      • getComparisonOrBuilder

        Mdb.ComparisonInfoOrBuilder getComparisonOrBuilder​(int index)
        repeated .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.ComparisonInfo comparison = 1;
      • hasCalibrator

        boolean hasCalibrator()
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      • getCalibrator

        Mdb.CalibratorInfo getCalibrator()
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      • getCalibratorOrBuilder

        Mdb.CalibratorInfoOrBuilder getCalibratorOrBuilder()
        optional .yamcs.protobuf.mdb.CalibratorInfo calibrator = 2;
      • hasContext

        boolean hasContext()
         This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context
         that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the
         excel spreadsheet. Either this or a comparison has to be
         used (not both at the same time)
        optional string context = 3;
      • getContext

        String getContext()
         This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context
         that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the
         excel spreadsheet. Either this or a comparison has to be
         used (not both at the same time)
        optional string context = 3;
      • getContextBytes getContextBytes()
         This can be used in UpdateParameterRequest to pass a context
         that is parsed on the server, according to the rules in the
         excel spreadsheet. Either this or a comparison has to be
         used (not both at the same time)
        optional string context = 3;