Class TimeCorrelationApiClient

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeCorrelationApiClient

        public TimeCorrelationApiClient​(MethodHandler handler)
    • Method Detail

      • addTimeOfFlightIntervals

        public final void addTimeOfFlightIntervals​(Void ctx,
                                                   AddTimeOfFlightIntervalsRequest request,
                                                   Observer<> observer)
          Add intervals for the time of flight calculation.
          Each ``[ertStart, ertStop)`` interval contains a polynomial function used to compute the time of flight for the given ``ert``.
          The intervals can overlap and are sorted in descending order of the start time.
          The first (highest start time) interval where the requested ert fits, will be used for the calculation. 
          The formula used for calculating the time of flight for a frame/packet received
          at ``ert`` in the ``[ertStart, ertStop)`` interval is:
              ``delta = ert - ertStart``
              ``tof = polCoef[0] + polCoef[1] * delta + polCoef[2] * delta^2 + ...``
          The result of the polynomial is the ``tof`` expressed in seconds.
        Specified by:
        addTimeOfFlightIntervals in class AbstractTimeCorrelationApi<Void>