
Class ReedSolomon

  • public class ReedSolomon
    extends Object
    Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder. Works with up to 7 bits per symbol (due to the byte in Java being signed)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReedSolomon

        public ReedSolomon​(int nroots,
                           int symsize,
                           int fcr,
                           int prim,
                           int gfpoly,
                           int pad)
        Constructs a new encoder/decoder.
        nroots - the number of roots in the Reed Solomon code generator polynomial. This equals the number of parity symbols per code block.
        symsize - the symbol size in bits, up to 8
        fcr - in index form, the first consecutive root of the Reed Solomon code generator polynomial.
        prim - in index form, the primitive element in the Galois field used to generate the Reed Solomon code generator polynomial.
        gfpoly - the extended Galois field generator polynomial coefficients, with the 0th coefficient in the low order bit. The polynomial must be primitive; if not, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        pad - the number of leading symbols in the codeword that are implicitly padded to zero in a shortened code block
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public void encode​(byte[] data,
                           byte[] parity)
      • decode

        public int decode​(byte[] data,
                          int[] eras_pos)
                   throws ReedSolomonException
        Corrects in place data and returns the number of error corrected.
        data - - data to be corrected
        eras_pos - - erasures positions (can be null)
        ReedSolomonException - - thrown if the data cannot be corrected