Class DirectoryAuthModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DirectoryAuthModule
    extends Object
    implements AuthModule
    Identifies users and service accounts based on authentication information stored in the Yamcs Directory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectoryAuthModule

        public DirectoryAuthModule()
    • Method Detail

      • getSpec

        public Spec getSpec()
        Description copied from interface: AuthModule
        Returns the valid configuration of the input args of this AuthModule.
        Specified by:
        getSpec in interface AuthModule
        the argument specification.
      • init

        public void init​(YConfiguration args)
                  throws InitException
        Description copied from interface: AuthModule
        Initialize this AuthModule.
        Specified by:
        init in interface AuthModule
        args - The configured arguments for this AuthModule. If AuthModule.getSpec() is implemented then this contains the arguments after being validated (including any defaults).
        InitException - When something goes wrong during the execution of this method.
      • verifyValidity

        public boolean verifyValidity​(AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo)
        Description copied from interface: AuthModule
        Verify if previously generated authentication info is (still) valid. For example, if the authentication info references an externally issued expiring ticket, this can be validated here.

        This method is called very frequently, so implementations must take care to limit external requests.

        Specified by:
        verifyValidity in interface AuthModule
        authenticationInfo - information relevant to the authentication process
        true if the authentication info is valid, false otherwise