Class ValidRangeChecker

  • public class ValidRangeChecker
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidRangeChecker

        public ValidRangeChecker()
    • Method Detail

      • checkFloatRange

        public static boolean checkFloatRange​(FloatValidRange fvr,
                                              double x)
        checks that x is in the range and returns true if it is and false if it's not
        fvr -
        x -
      • checkIntegerRange

        public static boolean checkIntegerRange​(IntegerValidRange vr,
                                                long x)
        checks that x is in the range and returns true if it is and false if it's not
        vr - - range to check against
        x -
      • checkUnsignedIntegerRange

        public static boolean checkUnsignedIntegerRange​(IntegerValidRange vr,
                                                        long x)
      • checkFloatRange

        public static boolean checkFloatRange​(FloatValidRange fvr,
                                              Value v)
        Checks if the value is within range. If the value is not of numeric type returns false.
      • checkIntegerRange

        public static boolean checkIntegerRange​(IntegerValidRange ivr,
                                                Value v)
        Checks if the value is within range. If the value is not of numeric type returns false.