Interface IntegerCODEC

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IntegerCODEC
    Interface describing a standard CODEC to compress integers.
    • Method Detail

      • compress

        void compress​(int[] in,
                      IntWrapper inpos,
                      int inlength,
                      int[] out,
                      IntWrapper outpos)
        Compress data from an array to another array. Both inpos and outpos are modified to represent how much data was read and written to if 12 ints (inlength = 12) are compressed to 3 ints, then inpos will be incremented by 12 while outpos will be incremented by 3 we use IntWrapper to pass the values by reference.
        in - input array
        inpos - location in the input array
        inlength - how many integers to compress
        out - output array
        outpos - where to write in the output array
      • uncompress

        void uncompress​(int[] in,
                        IntWrapper inpos,
                        int inlength,
                        int[] out,
                        IntWrapper outpos)
        Uncompress data from an array to another array. Both inpos and outpos parameters are modified to indicate new positions after read/write.
        in - array containing data in compressed form
        inpos - where to start reading in the array
        inlength - length of the compressed data (ignored by some schemes)
        out - array where to write the compressed output
        outpos - where to write the compressed output in out