Class AosFrameHeaderErrorCorr

  • public class AosFrameHeaderErrorCorr
    extends Object
    Reed-Solomon (10, 6) encoding/decoding as specified in CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR AOS SPACE DATA LINK PROTOCOL CCSDS 732.0-B-3 September 2015 Frame Header Error Control
    • Constructor Detail

      • AosFrameHeaderErrorCorr

        public AosFrameHeaderErrorCorr()
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public static int encode​(int gvcid,
                                 int signalingField)
        Compute the Error Control word based on the virtual channel id and signaling field byte
        gvcid - 10-bit Master Channel Identifier followed by the Virtual Channel Identifier in the lowest 16 bits of the variable
        signalingField - - 8 bit signalling byte in the lowest 8 bits of the variable
      • decode

        public static AosFrameHeaderErrorCorr.DecoderResult decode​(int gvcid,
                                                                   int signalingField,
                                                                   int errControl)
                                                            throws ReedSolomonException
        Based on the received header information, reconstitutes the correct header if possible
        gvcid - 10-bit Master Channel Identifier followed by the Virtual Channel Identifier
        signalingField - 8 bit signalling byte
        errControl - 16 bits error control
        ReedSolomonException - thrown if data cannot be decoded/corrected