Class RdbTableWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RdbTableWriter
    extends TableWriter
    table writer for the rocksdb2 engine.

    See Tablespace for a description of the data format.

    There might be multiple objects of this class writing in the same table. We perform locking at record level using the YRDB.lock(byte[]) function.

    The histograms are written by the HistogramWriter.

    • Method Detail

      • onTuple

        public void onTuple​(Stream stream,
                            Tuple t)
      • getDbPartition

        public RdbPartition getDbPartition​(Tuple t)
                                    throws IOException
        get the filename where the tuple would fit (can be a partition)
        t -
        the partition where the tuple fits
        IOException - if there was an error while creating the directories where the file should be located
      • streamClosed

        public void streamClosed​(Stream stream)