Class ScriptAlgorithmExecutor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ScriptAlgorithmExecutor
    extends AbstractAlgorithmExecutor
    Represents the execution context of one algorithm. An AlgorithmExecutor is reused upon each update of one or more of its InputParameters.

    This class will create and compile on-the-fly ValueBinding implementations for every unique combination of raw and eng types.

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public AlgorithmExecutionResult execute​(long acqTime,
                                                long genTime,
                                                ProcessingData data)
        Description copied from interface: AlgorithmExecutor
        Runs the associated algorithm with the latest InputParameters.

        Should throw an exception if there is an error within the algorithm.

        The error message and error count will be remembered and available to external clients via the API.

        The processing data parameter is passed if required to calibrate the output values. It shall not be updated by the executor as it is done in the ActiveAlgorithm

        the output parameters, if any