Interface RawFrameDecoder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RawFrameDecoder
    Decodes raw frames performing derandomization and error correction.

    We assume the all frames are of pre-configured fixed length.

    • Method Detail

      • decodeFrame

        int decodeFrame​(byte[] data,
                        int offset,
                        int length)
        Decodes frame in the buffer at offset. The decoded frame is stored in the same buffer.

        Returns the length of the decoded and corrected frame or -1 if the frame could not be decoded

      • encodedFrameLength

        int encodedFrameLength()
        Returns the length of the encoded (input) frame or -1 if it can be variable
      • decodedFrameLength

        int decodedFrameLength()
        Returns the length of the decoded frame or -1 if it can be variable