Class ContainerProcessingContext

  • public class ContainerProcessingContext
    extends Object
    Keeps track of where we are when processing a packet.

    One object is used for all containers deriving in a hierarchy

    • Field Detail

      • provideContainerResult

        public boolean provideContainerResult
      • derivedFromRoot

        public final boolean derivedFromRoot
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public Value getValue​(ParameterInstanceRef pir)
        Finds a parameter instance (i.e. a value) for a parameter in the current context It only returns a parameter if the instance status was {@link AcquisitionStatus#ACQUIRED)
        pir -
        the value found or null if not value has been found
      • getIntegerValue

        public long getIntegerValue​(IntegerValue iv)
      • getXtceDb

        public XtceDb getXtceDb()