Class TableDefinition

  • public class TableDefinition
    extends Object
    A table definition consists of a (key,value) pair of tuple definitions. A tuple has to contain all the columns from the key while it can contain only a few of the columns from the value (basically it's a sparse table).

    The key is encoded as a byte array of all the columns in order. The value is encoded as a byte array of all the columns preceded by the id of their data type (1 byte) and their index (3 bytes).

    The secondary index key is encoded as a byte array of all the columns in order preceded by the id of their data type with the first bit set to 1 for the columns present and 0 for the column not present (i.e. null).

    A table can also be partitioned according to the partitioningSpec.

    • Field Detail

    • Method Detail

      • setPartitioningSpec

        public void setPartitioningSpec​(PartitioningSpec pspec)
                                 throws StreamSqlException
        time based partitions can be on the first column of the key (which has to be of type timestamp) value based partitions can be on any other mandatory column
        pspec -
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • validate

        public void validate()
                      throws StreamSqlException
        Checks that the table definition is valid: - primary key not string, except for the last in the list (otherwise the binary sorting does not work properly)
      • generateRow

        public Row generateRow​(Tuple t)
                        throws YarchException
        Generate a new table row by transforming the key part of the tuple into a byte array to be written to disk. The tuple must contain each column from the key and they are written in order (such that sorting is according to the definition of the primary key).

        In addition, it stores into the returned row all the values for the columns used in histograms or indices

        t -
        a tuple containing the histogram and secondary index values as well as the generated key
      • addAndGetEnumValue

        public Short addAndGetEnumValue​(String columnName,
                                        String value)
        get the enum value corresponding to a column, creating it if it does not exist
      • serializeValue

        public void serializeValue​(Tuple tuple,
                                   Row sertuple,
                                   ByteArray byteArray)
        Same as serializeValue(Tuple, Row) but encodes the output in user provided byte array
        tuple -
        sertuple -
        byteArray -
      • serializeValue

        public byte[] serializeValue​(Tuple tuple,
                                     Row sertuple)
        Transform the value part of the tuple into a byte array to be written on disk. Each column is preceded by a tag (the column index).

        If there are columns in the tuple which are not in the valueDef, they are added and the TableDefinition is serialized on disk.

        Columns whose values are null are not serialized but their definition is still added to the table definition if not present already.

        tuple -
        sertuple - - if not null, store all the values of the columns to this tuple as written to the database (possibly after some data casting)
        the serialized version of the value part of the tuple
      • deserialize

        public Tuple deserialize​(byte[] k,
                                 byte[] v)
      • isCompressed

        public boolean isCompressed()
      • isIndexedByKey

        public boolean isIndexedByKey​(String cname)
        cname - the column name
        true if cname is the first column of the key
      • hasPartitioning

        public boolean hasPartitioning()
      • setCompressed

        public void setCompressed​(boolean compressed)
      • hasHistogram

        public boolean hasHistogram()
      • getEnumValues

        public<String,​Short> getEnumValues​(String columnName)
      • getHistogramColumns

        public List<String> getHistogramColumns()
      • getSecondaryIndex

        public List<String> getSecondaryIndex()
      • getStorageEngineName

        public String getStorageEngineName()
      • setStorageEngineName

        public void setStorageEngineName​(String storageEngineName)
      • getFormatVersion

        public int getFormatVersion()
      • changeDataType

        public void changeDataType​(String cname,
                                   DataType dataType)
        this method is used during table migration between two versions

        It should not be used for other things.

      • hasKey

        public boolean hasKey​(String colName)
        colName -
        true if the column is part of the primary key
      • isPartitionedByTime

        public boolean isPartitionedByTime()
      • hasSecondaryIndex

        public boolean hasSecondaryIndex()
      • isPartitionedBy

        public boolean isPartitionedBy​(String colName)
        Return true if the table is partitioned and the colName is used as partition column (either time or value)
        colName -