Package org.yamcs.mdb

Class DataEncodingDecoder


public class DataEncodingDecoder extends Object
Decodes TM data according to the specification of the DataEncoding This is a generic catch all decoder, relies on specific custom decoders implementing the DataDecoder interface when necessary.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • extractRaw

      public Value extractRaw(DataEncoding de)
      Extracts the raw uncalibrated parameter value from the buffer.
      the extracted value or null if something went wrong - in this case the parameter will be marked with aquisitionStatus = INVALID
    • extractRaw

      public Value extractRaw(DataEncoding de, ContainerProcessingContext pcontext)
      Extract the raw, uncalibrated parameter value from the buffer, using the provider context to find referenced parameter values for variable- sized objects.
      de - the data encoding
      pcontext - the processing context, or null if the context is unknown
      the extracted value, or null if something went wrong - in this case the parameter will be marked with aquisitionStatus = INVALID
    • getRawType

      public static org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value.Type getRawType(DataEncoding encoding)
      return the nominal Value.Type of a raw value corresponding to the given XTCE data encoding definition
      encoding -
    • getRawValue

      public static Value getRawValue(DataEncoding de, Object value)