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apply(String, UnaryOperator<List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
apply(Collection<String>, BiFunction<String, List<String>, Collection<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
apply(BiFunction<String, List<String>, Collection<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
apply(BiPredicate<String, List<String>>, BiFunction<String, List<String>, Collection<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders


BodyFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
BodyReplacer<T extends HttpMessage> - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
builder() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook
Builder() - Constructor for class org.zalando.logbook.LogbookCreator.Builder


clear() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
composite(BodyReplacer<T>...) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyReplacer
compute(String, BiFunction<? super String, ? super List<String>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
computeIfAbsent(String, Function<? super String, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
computeIfPresent(String, BiFunction<? super String, ? super List<String>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
correlate() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Correlation
correlate() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Precorrelation
Correlation - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
CorrelationId - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
create() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook


delegate() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
delegate() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
delegate() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpResponse
delete(String...) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
delete(Collection<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
delete(BiPredicate<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders


empty() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders


filter(String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.PathFilter
filter(String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.QueryFilter
filter(String, String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyFilter
filter(HttpHeaders) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HeaderFilter
filter(HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.RequestFilter
filter(HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ResponseFilter
format(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
Renders properties of an HTTP message into a JSON string.
format(Correlation, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpLogFormatter
format(Correlation, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
format(Precorrelation, HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpLogFormatter
format(Precorrelation, HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
ForwardingHttpMessage - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
ForwardingHttpRequest - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
ForwardingHttpResponse - Interface in org.zalando.logbook


generate(HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.CorrelationId
getBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getBodyAsString() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getBodyAsString() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getCharset() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getCharset() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getContentType() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getContentType() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getDuration() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Correlation
getEnd() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Correlation
getFirst(String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
getHeaders() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getHeaders() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getHost() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getHost() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getId() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Precorrelation
getMethod() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getMethod() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getOrigin() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getOrigin() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getPath() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getPath() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getPort() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getPort() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getProtocolVersion() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpMessage
getProtocolVersion() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpMessage
getQuery() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getQuery() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getReasonPhrase() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpResponse
getReasonPhrase() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpResponse
getRemote() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getRemote() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getRequestUri() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getRequestUri() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
Absolute Request URI including scheme, host, port (unless http/80 or https/443), path and query string.
getScheme() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
getScheme() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
getStart() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Precorrelation
getStatus() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpResponse
getStatus() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpResponse


HeaderFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
HttpHeaders - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
An immutable multi-map representing HTTP headers.
HttpLogFormatter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
HttpLogWriter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
HttpMessage - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
HttpRequest - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
HttpResponse - Interface in org.zalando.logbook


isActive() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpLogWriter
isActive() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Sink


LOCAL - org.zalando.logbook.Origin
Logbook - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
Logbook.RequestWritingStage - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
Logbook.ResponseProcessingStage - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
Logbook.ResponseWritingStage - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
LogbookCreator - Class in org.zalando.logbook
LogbookCreator.Builder - Class in org.zalando.logbook


merge(String, List<String>, BiFunction<? super List<String>, ? super List<String>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
merge(BodyFilter, BodyFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyFilter
merge(HeaderFilter, HeaderFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HeaderFilter
merge(PathFilter, PathFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.PathFilter
merge(QueryFilter, QueryFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.QueryFilter
merge(RequestFilter, RequestFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.RequestFilter
merge(ResponseFilter, ResponseFilter) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ResponseFilter


none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyFilter
none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HeaderFilter
none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.PathFilter
none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.QueryFilter
none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.RequestFilter
none() - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ResponseFilter


of(String, String...) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
of(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
org.zalando.logbook - package org.zalando.logbook
Origin - Enum in org.zalando.logbook


PathFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
Precorrelation - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
predicate(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
prepare(Correlation, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
Produces a map of individual properties from an HTTP response.
prepare(Precorrelation, HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
Produces a map of individual properties from an HTTP request.
prepareBody(HttpMessage) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
prepareHeaders(HttpMessage) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
preparePort(HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.StructuredHttpLogFormatter
process(HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook
process(HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Strategy
This method is being called right before the request body is being buffered.
process(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Strategy
This method is being called right before the response body is being buffered.
process(HttpRequest, Strategy) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook
process(HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook.ResponseProcessingStage
put(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
putIfAbsent(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders


QueryFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook


REMOTE - org.zalando.logbook.Origin
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
remove(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
replace(String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
replace(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
replace(T) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyReplacer
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super String, ? super List<String>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
RequestFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
ResponseFilter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook


Sink - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
Strategy - Interface in org.zalando.logbook
A strategy is glue between Logbook integrations and the Sink.
StructuredHttpLogFormatter - Interface in org.zalando.logbook


tryMerge(BodyFilter) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.BodyFilter


update(String, String...) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
update(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders
update(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpHeaders


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.zalando.logbook.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.zalando.logbook.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
withBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpResponse
withBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
withBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpResponse
withoutBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpRequest
withoutBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.ForwardingHttpResponse
withoutBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpRequest
withoutBody() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpResponse
write() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook.RequestWritingStage
write() - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Logbook.ResponseWritingStage
write(Correlation, String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpLogWriter
write(Correlation, HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Sink
write(Correlation, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Sink) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Strategy
This method is being called right after the response body was buffered.
write(Precorrelation, String) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.HttpLogWriter
write(Precorrelation, HttpRequest) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Sink
write(Precorrelation, HttpRequest, Sink) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Strategy
This method is being called right after the response body was buffered.
writeBoth(Correlation, HttpRequest, HttpResponse) - Method in interface org.zalando.logbook.Sink
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