Class ExtensionHistory

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtensionHistory

        public ExtensionHistory()
    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedHistoryReference

        public HistoryReference getSelectedHistoryReference()
      • getSelectedHistoryReferences

        public java.util.List<HistoryReference> getSelectedHistoryReferences()
      • init

        public void init()
        Description copied from interface: Extension
        Initialize plugin during startup. This phase is carried out before all others.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Extension
        init in class ExtensionAdaptor
      • hook

        public void hook​(ExtensionHook extensionHook)
        Description copied from interface: Extension
        Called during extension's initialisation to allow to add new functionality to core components.
        Specified by:
        hook in interface Extension
        hook in class ExtensionAdaptor
        extensionHook - the hook to add the components.
      • sessionChanged

        public void sessionChanged​(Session session)
        Description copied from interface: SessionChangedListener
        Called just after the session has changed. sessionChanged may be called by non-event thread. Should handle with care in all the listener. Use EventThread for each GUI event.
        Specified by:
        sessionChanged in interface SessionChangedListener
        session - the new session
      • registerProxy

        public void registerProxy​(ProxyServer ps)
        (2.12.0) No longer used/needed. It will be removed in a future release.
      • unregisterProxy

        public void unregisterProxy​(ProxyServer ps)
        (2.12.0) No longer used/needed. It will be removed in a future release.
      • removeFromHistoryList

        public void removeFromHistoryList​(HistoryReference href)
      • notifyHistoryItemChanged

        public void notifyHistoryItemChanged​(HistoryReference href)
      • getHistoryReference

        public HistoryReference getHistoryReference​(int historyId)
      • getLastHistoryId

        public int getLastHistoryId()
      • addHistory

        public void addHistory​(HttpMessage msg,
                               int type)
      • showFilterPlusDialog

        protected int showFilterPlusDialog()
      • getResendDialog

        public ManualRequestEditorDialog getResendDialog()
        (2.12.0) Replaced by Requester add-on.
        This method initializes resendDialog
      • showNotesAddDialog

        public void showNotesAddDialog​(HistoryReference ref,
                                       java.lang.String note)
      • hideNotesAddDialog

        public void hideNotesAddDialog()
        (2.7.0) No longer used/needed.
      • showAlertAddDialog

        public void showAlertAddDialog​(HttpMessage httpMessage,
                                       int historyType)
        Sets the HttpMessage and the history type of the HistoryReference that will be created if the user creates the alert. The current session will be used to create the HistoryReference. The alert created will be added to the newly created HistoryReference.

        Should be used when the alert is added to a temporary HistoryReference as the temporary HistoryReferences are deleted when the session is closed.

        httpMessage - the HttpMessage that will be used to create the HistoryReference, must not be null
        historyType - the type of the history reference that will be used to create the HistoryReference
        See Also:
        Model.getSession(), HistoryReference(org.parosproxy.paros.model.Session, int, HttpMessage)
      • showManageTagsDialog

        public void showManageTagsDialog​(HistoryReference ref,
                                         java.util.List<java.lang.String> tags)
      • sessionAboutToChange

        public void sessionAboutToChange​(Session session)
        Description copied from interface: SessionChangedListener
        Called just prior to the session changing. Listeners should close down any resources associated with this session. sessionAboutToChange may be called by non-event thread. Should handle with care in all the listener. Use EventThread for each GUI event.
        Specified by:
        sessionAboutToChange in interface SessionChangedListener
        session - the session about to be closed
      • getAuthor

        public java.lang.String getAuthor()
        Description copied from interface: Extension
        Gets the author of the extension.

        Since 2.9.0 defaults to the author of the add-on, if set, otherwise an empty string.

        Specified by:
        getAuthor in interface Extension
        the author of the extension, might be null.
      • isShowJustInScope

        public boolean isShowJustInScope()
      • setShowJustInScope

        public void setShowJustInScope​(boolean showJustInScope)
      • sessionScopeChanged

        public void sessionScopeChanged​(Session session)
        Description copied from interface: SessionChangedListener
        Called when the user has changes the session scope. sessionScopeChanged may be called by non-event thread. Should handle with care in all the listener. Use EventThread for each GUI event.
        Specified by:
        sessionScopeChanged in interface SessionChangedListener
        session - the current session
      • sessionModeChanged

        public void sessionModeChanged​(Control.Mode mode)
        Description copied from interface: SessionChangedListener
        Called when the user changes the mode. sessionModeChanged may be called by non-event thread. Should handle with care in all the listener. Use EventThread for each GUI event.
        Specified by:
        sessionModeChanged in interface SessionChangedListener
        mode - the new mode
      • supportsLowMemory

        public boolean supportsLowMemory()
        Description copied from interface: Extension
        Return true it the extension can run with the 'low memory' option. If the low memory option is set (and the extension supports it) then code should minimize the data stored in memory, using the db for all significant data. Extensions that do not support the low memory option will not be run if the option is set.
        Specified by:
        supportsLowMemory in interface Extension
        supportsLowMemory in class ExtensionAdaptor
        true if the extension support the 'low memory' option, false otherwise
      • supportsDb

        public boolean supportsDb​(java.lang.String type)
        Part of the core set of features that should be supported by all db types
        Specified by:
        supportsDb in interface Extension
        supportsDb in class ExtensionAdaptor
        type - the db type
        true if the specified db type is supported by the extension (or if it doesn't use any db)
        See Also:
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: Extension
        Performs final cleanups, free resources.

        Called when the extension is removed (i.e. corresponding add-on is uninstalled) and when ZAP shuts down.

        Called after stopping the extension.

        Should be called only by core functionality.

        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Extension
        destroy in class ExtensionAdaptor