Interface AddOnInstallationStatusListener

  • public interface AddOnInstallationStatusListener
    A listener that will be notified when the installation status of the add-ons changes.
    • Method Detail

      • addOnInstalled

        void addOnInstalled​(AddOn addOn)
        Notifies that the given add-on was installed.
        addOn - the add-on that was installed, never null
      • addOnSoftUninstalled

        void addOnSoftUninstalled​(AddOn addOn,
                                  boolean successfully)
        Notifies that the given add-on was soft uninstalled.

        Soft uninstallation consists of uninstalling the Java classes (Extensions, Plugins, PassiveScanners) of an add-on, called when the add-on must be temporarily uninstalled for an update of a dependency.

        addOn - the add-on that was soft uninstalled, never null
        successfully - if the soft uninstallation was successful, that is, no errors occurred while uninstalling it
      • addOnUninstalled

        void addOnUninstalled​(AddOn addOn,
                              boolean successfully)
        Notifies that the given add-on was uninstalled.
        addOn - the add-on that was uninstalled, never null
        successfully - if the uninstallation was successful, that is, no errors occurred while uninstalling it