Class ApiDynamicActionImplementor

  • public abstract class ApiDynamicActionImplementor
    extends ApiElement
    The ApiDynamicActionImplementor is used for actions that are loaded dynamically.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApiDynamicActionImplementor

        public ApiDynamicActionImplementor​(java.lang.String name,
                                           java.lang.String[] mandatoryParamNames,
                                           java.lang.String[] optionalParamNames)
        Instantiates a new api dynamic action implementor.
        name - the name
        mandatoryParamNames - the mandatory param names, or null if there are no mandatory parameters
        optionalParamNames - the optional param names, or null if there are no optional parameters
    • Method Detail

      • handleAction

        public abstract void handleAction​(net.sf.json.JSONObject params)
                                   throws ApiException
        Handle the execution of the action.
        params - the params
        ApiException - the api exception
      • buildParamsDescription

        public ApiResponse buildParamsDescription()
        Builds an ApiResponse describing the parameters of this action.
        the api response set