Class BreakpointsParam

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BreakpointsParam
    extends AbstractParam
    Manages the breakpoints configurations saved in the configuration file.

    It allows to change, programmatically, the following breakpoints options:

    • Confirm drop message - asks for confirmation when a trapped message is dropped.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • BreakpointsParam

        public BreakpointsParam()
    • Method Detail

      • isConfirmDropMessage

        public boolean isConfirmDropMessage()
        Tells whether the user should confirm the drop of the trapped message.
        true if the user should confirm the drop, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • setConfirmDropMessage

        public void setConfirmDropMessage​(boolean confirmDrop)
        Sets whether the user should confirm the drop of the trapped message.
        confirmDrop - true if the user should confirm the drop, false otherwise
        See Also:
        isConfirmDropMessage(), BreakPanelToolbarFactory.getBtnDrop()
      • getButtonMode

        public int getButtonMode()
      • setButtonMode

        public void setButtonMode​(int buttonMode)
      • getAlwaysOnTop

        public java.lang.Boolean getAlwaysOnTop()
      • setAlwaysOnTop

        public void setAlwaysOnTop​(java.lang.Boolean alwaysOnTop)
      • isInScopeOnly

        public boolean isInScopeOnly()
      • setInScopeOnly

        public void setInScopeOnly​(boolean inScopeOnly)
      • isShowIgnoreFilesButtons

        public boolean isShowIgnoreFilesButtons()
      • setShowIgnoreFilesButtons

        public void setShowIgnoreFilesButtons​(boolean showIgnoreFilesButtons)
      • getJavascriptUrlRegex

        public java.lang.String getJavascriptUrlRegex()
      • setJavascriptUrlRegex

        public void setJavascriptUrlRegex​(java.lang.String javascriptUrlRegex)
      • getCssAndFontsUrlRegex

        public java.lang.String getCssAndFontsUrlRegex()
      • setCssAndFontsUrlRegex

        public void setCssAndFontsUrlRegex​(java.lang.String cssAndFontsUrlRegex)
      • getMultimediaUrlRegex

        public java.lang.String getMultimediaUrlRegex()
      • setMultimediaUrlRegex

        public void setMultimediaUrlRegex​(java.lang.String multimediaUrlRegex)