Class ScriptType

  • public class ScriptType
    extends java.lang.Object
    A type of script supported by ZAP, which allows to customise and extend ZAP's functionalities through its scripts.
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String CAPABILITY_APPEND
      Script types with this capability can sensibly have requests appended to them.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ScriptType​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String i18nKey, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon, boolean isEnableable)
      Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
      ScriptType​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String i18nKey, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon, boolean enableable, boolean enabledByDefault)
      Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
      ScriptType​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String i18nKey, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon, boolean enableable, boolean enabledByDefault, java.lang.String[] capabilities)
      Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
      ScriptType​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String i18nKey, javax.swing.ImageIcon icon, boolean isEnableable, java.lang.String[] capabilities)
      Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addCapability​(java.lang.String capability)
      Adds the given capability to this script type.
      java.lang.String getI18nKey()  
      javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon()  
      java.lang.String getName()  
      boolean hasCapability​(java.lang.String capability)
      Tells whether or not this script type has the given capability.
      boolean isEnableable()
      Tells whether or not the scripts of this script type can be enabled/disabled.
      boolean isEnabledByDefault()
      Tells whether or not the scripts of this script type should be enabled by default.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String CAPABILITY_APPEND
        Script types with this capability can sensibly have requests appended to them. Typically this will just apply to Zest scripts.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptType

        public ScriptType​(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String i18nKey,
                          javax.swing.ImageIcon icon,
                          boolean isEnableable)
        Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
        name - the (internal) name of the script type.
        i18nKey - the resource key for the internationalised name.
        icon - the icon of the script type.
        isEnableable - true if the scripts of the script type can be enabled, false otherwise.
        See Also:
        ScriptType(String, String, ImageIcon, boolean, boolean)
      • ScriptType

        public ScriptType​(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String i18nKey,
                          javax.swing.ImageIcon icon,
                          boolean enableable,
                          boolean enabledByDefault)
        Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
        name - the (internal) name of the script type.
        i18nKey - the resource key for the internationalised name.
        icon - the icon of the script type.
        enableable - true if the scripts of the script type can be enabled, false otherwise.
        enabledByDefault - true if the scripts of the script type should be enabled by default, false otherwise. Ignored if enableable is false.
      • ScriptType

        public ScriptType​(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String i18nKey,
                          javax.swing.ImageIcon icon,
                          boolean isEnableable,
                          java.lang.String[] capabilities)
        Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
        name - the (internal) name of the script type.
        i18nKey - the resource key for the internationalised name.
        icon - the icon of the script type.
        isEnableable - true if the scripts of the script type can be enabled, false otherwise.
        capabilities - the capabilities of the scripts of the script type.
        See Also:
        ScriptType(String, String, ImageIcon, boolean, boolean, String[])
      • ScriptType

        public ScriptType​(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String i18nKey,
                          javax.swing.ImageIcon icon,
                          boolean enableable,
                          boolean enabledByDefault,
                          java.lang.String[] capabilities)
        Constructs a ScriptType with the given data.
        name - the (internal) name of the script type.
        i18nKey - the resource key for the internationalised name.
        icon - the icon of the script type.
        enableable - true if the scripts of the script type can be enabled, false otherwise.
        enabledByDefault - true if the scripts should be enabled by default, false otherwise. Ignored if enableable is false.
        capabilities - the capabilities of the scripts of the script type.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
      • getI18nKey

        public java.lang.String getI18nKey()
      • getIcon

        public javax.swing.ImageIcon getIcon()
      • isEnableable

        public boolean isEnableable()
        Tells whether or not the scripts of this script type can be enabled/disabled.
        true if the scripts can be enabled/disabled, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • isEnabledByDefault

        public boolean isEnabledByDefault()
        Tells whether or not the scripts of this script type should be enabled by default.

        Only meaningful if the script type is enableable.

        true if the scripts should be enabled by default, false otherwise.
      • addCapability

        public void addCapability​(java.lang.String capability)
        Adds the given capability to this script type.
        capability - the new capability of the script type.
        See Also: