Interface ShadowElementCtrl

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ShadowElementCtrl
    An addition interface to ShadowElement
    • Method Detail

      • setShadowHost

        void setShadowHost​(Component host,
                           Component insertBefore)
        Sets the owner component that hosts this shadow element.
        host - the host of the shadow element
        insertBefore - a component or a shadow element to indicate where the shadow's insertion point is added.
      • beforeHostChildRemoved

        void beforeHostChildRemoved​(Component child,
                                    int indexOfChild)
        Called before the host removing a child.
        child - the child to be removed (never null)
        indexOfChild - the index of the removed child
      • beforeHostParentChanged

        void beforeHostParentChanged​(Component parent)
        Called before the host changing the parent.
        parent - the new parent. If null, it means detachment.
      • beforeHostChildAdded

        void beforeHostChildAdded​(Component child,
                                  Component insertBefore,
                                  int indexOfInsertBefore)
        Called before the host adding a child.
        child - the child to be added (never null).
        insertBefore - another child component that the new child will be inserted before it. If null, the new child will be the last child.
        indexOfInsertBefore - the index of the insertBefore, if any. Otherwise -1 is assumed.
      • afterHostChildAdded

        void afterHostChildAdded​(Component child,
                                 int indexOfChild)
        Called when a child is added to the host.
        child - the child has been added (never null).
        indexOfChild - the index of the added child.
      • afterHostChildRemoved

        void afterHostChildRemoved​(Component child)
        Called when a child is removed to the host.
        child - the child has been added (never null).
      • isDynamicValue

        boolean isDynamicValue()
        Returns whether the shadow element contains a dynamic value, it means the shadow element cannot be destroyed after evaluated.
      • setDynamicValue

        void setDynamicValue​(boolean dynamicValue)
        Sets whether the shadow element contains a dynamic value, if true means the shadow element cannot be destroyed after evaluated, if false it will detect its attribute automatically.

        Default: false (auto detection)

      • getShadowHostIfAny

        Component getShadowHostIfAny()
        Return the shadow host from it or its ancestor, if any.
        null or a host component
      • resolveVariable

        java.lang.Object resolveVariable​(Component child,
                                         java.lang.String name,
                                         boolean recurse)
        Returns the variable associated with this base component or null if not found.

        Notice that it doesn't check any variable defined in VariableResolver (of Page.addVariableResolver(org.zkoss.xel.VariableResolver)).

        child - the child component of the shadow host
        recurse - whether to look up the parent shadow for the existence of the variable.
        If recurse is true, it will look up all parents until found.
      • getNextInsertion

        Component getNextInsertion()
        Returns the next insertion point, it may be a component, a shadow element, or null.
      • getPreviousInsertion

        Component getPreviousInsertion()
        Returns the previous insertion point, it may be a component, a shadow element, or null.
      • getFirstInsertion

        Component getFirstInsertion()
        Returns the first component of its insertion range.
      • getLastInsertion

        Component getLastInsertion()
        Returns the last component of its insertion range.
      • onHostChildAdded

        void onHostChildAdded​(Component child)
        Called when a child of a host is added into this shadow element.
      • onHostChildRemoved

        void onHostChildRemoved​(Component child)
        Called when a child of a host is added into this shadow element.