Interface Includer

  • public interface Includer
    Implemented by a component to indicate that it might include another ZUML page.

    The owner of the included page is this page (see PageCtrl.getOwner()).

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getChildPage

        Page getChildPage()
        Returns the child page.
      • setChildPage

        void setChildPage​(Page page)
        Sets the child page.

        Used only for implementing an includer component (such as Include).

        Note: the child page is actually maintained by the included page, so the implementation of this method needs only to store the page in a transient member.

        Notice that, like setRenderingResult(java.lang.String), it is called only if the included page is a ZUML document.

      • setRenderingResult

        void setRenderingResult​(java.lang.String result)
        Sets the rendering result It is called when the child page (getChildPage()) has been rendered. The includer can then generate it to the output in the way it'd like.

        Used only for implementing an includer component (such as Include).

        Notice that, like setChildPage(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page), it is called only if the included page is a ZUML document.
