Interface Native.Helper

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Native.Helper
    The helper to generate the output for the native component. The implementation usually depends on the client (i.e., Desktop.getDevice().

    Application developers shall not count on this interface. It is used only for implementing a native component.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void appendText​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, java.lang.String text)
      Appends the text.
      void getFirstHalf​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> props, java.util.Collection<org.zkoss.idom.Namespace> namespaces)
      Generates the first half of the device-dependent content for the specified tag and properties, and appends it to the specified string buffer.
      void getSecondHalf​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, java.lang.String tag)
      Appends the first half of the device-dependent content for the specified tag and properties, and appends it to the specified string buffer.
      Component newNative​(java.lang.String text)
      Creates a native component with the specified content.
    • Method Detail

      • newNative

        Component newNative​(java.lang.String text)
        Creates a native component with the specified content.
      • getFirstHalf

        void getFirstHalf​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                          java.lang.String tag,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> props,
                          java.util.Collection<org.zkoss.idom.Namespace> namespaces)
        Generates the first half of the device-dependent content for the specified tag and properties, and appends it to the specified string buffer.

        For example, getFirstHalf(sb, "tr", null) appends "<tr>" to sb, and getFirstHalf(sb, "br", ) appends "<br/>".

        sb - the string buffer to append the result (never null)
        tag - the tag name (never null)
        props - a map of name and value pairs or null if no properties at all. Note: the value doesn't contain any EL expression.
        namespaces - a list of Namespace to be generated, or null if not. Note: EL expressions is not allowed
      • getSecondHalf

        void getSecondHalf​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                           java.lang.String tag)
        Appends the first half of the device-dependent content for the specified tag and properties, and appends it to the specified string buffer.

        For example, appendSecpmdHalf(sb, "tr") appends "</tr>" to sb, and getSecondHalf(sb, "br") appends "".

        sb - the string buffer to append the result (never null)
        tag - the tag name (never null)
      • appendText

        void appendText​(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                        java.lang.String text)
        Appends the text.
        text - the text content to append