Class Clients

  • public class Clients
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities to send AuResponse to the client.

    Utilities here are mainly to control how the client (a.k.a., the browser window) behaves. To get the status, you might refer to ClientInfoEvent. Note: this class makes accessing 'client-side' more directly. Methods such as showBusy(String) or showNotification(String) will not encode the strings passed into them, thus the formatting of messages at 'client-side' is allowed. User input should be escaped carefully especially when using evalJavaScript(String) to execute dynamically concatenated JavaScript code.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void alert​(java.lang.String msg)
      Shows an error message at the browser.
      static void alert​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String icon)
      Shows an error message at the browser.
      static void clearBusy()
      Cleans the busy message at the browser.
      static void clearBusy​(Component comp)
      Clears the busy message at the browser that covers only the specified component.
      static void clearWrongValue​(java.util.List<Component> comps)
      Closes the error message of the specified components, if any, at the browser.
      static void clearWrongValue​(Component comp)
      Closes the error message of the specified component, if any, at the browser.
      static void clearWrongValue​(Component[] comps)
      Closes the error message of the specified components, if any, at the browser.
      static void confirmClose​(java.lang.String mesg)
      Asks the browser to confirm users whether to close the browser window.
      static void evalJavaScript​(java.lang.String javaScript)
      Asks the browser to evaluate the specified JavaScript.
      static void focus​(java.lang.String selector)
      Focus the first matching component (HtmlBasedComponent) by using selector Note: The Selector will locate the components in the first page of current Desktop.
      static void focus​(Component component)
      Focus the component (HtmlBasedComponent)
      static void loadCSS​(java.lang.String url)
      Loads a CSS file.
      static void loadScript​(java.lang.String url)
      Loads a JavaScript file to client and execute it.
      static void loadScript​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String callback, boolean cache)
      Loads a JavaScript file to client and execute it.
      static void log​(java.lang.Object msg)
      Logs the message to the client.
      static void log​(java.lang.String msg)
      Logs the message to the client.
      static void moveBy​(int x, int y)
      Moves the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels.
      static void moveTo​(int x, int y)
      Moves the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified location (in pixels).
      static void print()
      Asks the client to print the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window).
      static void reloadMessages​(java.util.Locale locale)
      Reloads the client-side messages in the specified locale.
      static void resize​(Component comp)
      Forces the client to re-calculate the size of the given component.
      static void resizeBy​(int x, int y)
      Resizes the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels.
      static void resizeTo​(int x, int y)
      Resizes the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified size (in pixels).
      static void response​(java.lang.String key, AuResponse response)
      Sends an AU response (AuResponse) to the client with the given key (instead of AuResponse.getOverrideKey()).
      static void response​(AuResponse response)
      Sends an AU response (AuResponse) to the client.
      static void scrollBy​(int x, int y)
      Scrolls the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels.
      static void scrollIntoView​(java.lang.String selector)
      Scrolls the ancestor elements to make the selector matched element visible Note: The Selector will locate the components in the first page of current Desktop.
      static void scrollIntoView​(Component cmp)
      Scrolls the ancestor elements to make the specified element visible.
      static void scrollTo​(int x, int y)
      Scrolls the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified location (in pixels).
      static void sendClientCommand​(Component component, java.lang.String commandName, java.lang.Object data)
      Send a command to client (afterCommand)
      static void showBusy​(java.lang.String msg)
      Shows the busy message at the browser such that the user knows the system is busy.
      static void showBusy​(Component comp, java.lang.String msg)
      Shows the busy message at the browser that covers only the specified component.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg)
      Shows a message at the center of the browser window.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, boolean closable)
      Shows a message at the center of the browser window.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Component ref, int x, int y, int duration)
      Displays a message.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Component ref, int x, int y, int duration, boolean closable)
      Displays a message.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Component ref, java.lang.String position, int duration)
      Displays a message.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String type, Component ref, java.lang.String position, int duration, boolean closable)
      Displays a message.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, Component ref)
      Shows a message at the right side of the given component.
      static void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg, Component ref, boolean closable)
      Shows a message at the right side of the given component.
      static void submitForm​(java.lang.String formId)
      Submits the form with the specified ID.
      static void submitForm​(Component form)
      Submits the form with the specified form.
      static void syncErrorbox()
      Send a command to sync all the errorboxes and its reference component position on the desktop.
      static void syncErrorbox​(Component component)
      Send a command to sync a target component and its errorbox position.
      static void wrongValue​(Component comp, java.lang.String msg)
      Shows an error message for the specified component, if any, at the browser.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String NOTIFICATION_TYPE_INFO
        Notification type: information
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String NOTIFICATION_TYPE_WARNING
        Notification type: warning
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR
        Notification type: error
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Clients

        public Clients()
    • Method Detail

      • response

        public static final void response​(AuResponse response)
        Sends an AU response (AuResponse) to the client. It is the same as response(response.getOverrideKey(), response).
      • response

        public static final void response​(java.lang.String key,
                                          AuResponse response)
        Sends an AU response (AuResponse) to the client with the given key (instead of AuResponse.getOverrideKey()).
        key - could be anything. The second invocation of this method in the same execution with the same key will override the previous one. In other words, the previous one will be dropped. If null is specified, the response is simply appended to the end without overriding any previous one.
        See Also:
      • confirmClose

        public static final void confirmClose​(java.lang.String mesg)
        Asks the browser to confirm users whether to close the browser window.

        If an non-null (non-empty) string is set, the browser will show up a confirmation dialog when an user tries to close the browser window, or browse to another URL. To reset (i.e., not showing any confirmation dialog), just call this method again with null.

        mesg - the message to show when confirming users. If null (default) or empty, users can close the browser window directly.
      • alert

        public static final void alert​(java.lang.String msg)
        Shows an error message at the browser. It works and looks similar to Messagebox. However, it is not customizable (at the server), but it is much faster and light-weighted.
      • alert

        public static final void alert​(java.lang.String msg,
                                       java.lang.String title,
                                       java.lang.String icon)
        Shows an error message at the browser. It is similar to Messagebox.
        msg - the message to display.
        title - the title of the message box
        icon - the icon to show. It could null, "QUESTION", "EXCLAMATION", "INFORMATION", "ERROR", "NONE". If null, "ERROR" is assumed
      • wrongValue

        public static final void wrongValue​(Component comp,
                                            java.lang.String msg)
        Shows an error message for the specified component, if any, at the browser.

        You have to clear the error message manually with clearWrongValue(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component).

      • clearWrongValue

        public static final void clearWrongValue​(Component comp)
        Closes the error message of the specified component, if any, at the browser.
      • clearWrongValue

        public static final void clearWrongValue​(java.util.List<Component> comps)
        Closes the error message of the specified components, if any, at the browser.
      • clearWrongValue

        public static final void clearWrongValue​(Component[] comps)
        Closes the error message of the specified components, if any, at the browser.
      • submitForm

        public static final void submitForm​(java.lang.String formId)
        Submits the form with the specified ID.
      • submitForm

        public static final void submitForm​(Component form)
        Submits the form with the specified form. It assumes the form component is a HTML form.
      • print

        public static void print()
        Asks the client to print the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window).
      • scrollIntoView

        public static final void scrollIntoView​(Component cmp)
        Scrolls the ancestor elements to make the specified element visible.
      • scrollIntoView

        public static final void scrollIntoView​(java.lang.String selector)
        Scrolls the ancestor elements to make the selector matched element visible Note: The Selector will locate the components in the first page of current Desktop.
        selector - the selector string
        See Also:
        Selectors.find(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page, String), Selectors.find(Component, String)
      • scrollBy

        public static final void scrollBy​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Scrolls the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels. If the number passed is positive, the desktop is scrolled down. If negative, it is scrolled up.
        See Also:
        scrollTo(int, int)
      • scrollTo

        public static final void scrollTo​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Scrolls the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified location (in pixels).
        See Also:
        scrollBy(int, int)
      • resizeBy

        public static final void resizeBy​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Resizes the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels. If the numbers passed are positive, the desktop size is increased. Negative numbers reduce the size of the desktop.
        See Also:
        resizeTo(int, int)
      • resizeTo

        public static final void resizeTo​(int x,
                                          int y)
        Resizes the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified size (in pixels).
        See Also:
        resizeBy(int, int)
      • moveBy

        public static final void moveBy​(int x,
                                        int y)
        Moves the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) by the specified number of pixels. If the number passed is positive, the desktop is moved down. If negative, it is moved up.
        See Also:
        moveTo(int, int)
      • moveTo

        public static final void moveTo​(int x,
                                        int y)
        Moves the current desktop (a.k.a., browser window) to the specified location (in pixels).
        See Also:
        moveBy(int, int)
      • evalJavaScript

        public static final void evalJavaScript​(java.lang.String javaScript)
        Asks the browser to evaluate the specified JavaScript.

        It has no effect if the client doesn't support JavaScript.

        javaScript - the javaScript codes to run at the browser
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg)
        Shows a message at the center of the browser window.
        msg - the message to show
        See Also:
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  boolean closable)
        Shows a message at the center of the browser window.
        msg - the message to show
        closable - whether to close notification manually or not. If true there will be a close button on notification message and won't close until user click the button or duration time up, default false.
        See Also:, boolean)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  Component ref)
        Shows a message at the right side of the given component.
        msg - the message to show
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        See Also:, Component)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  Component ref,
                                                  boolean closable)
        Shows a message at the right side of the given component.
        msg - the message to show
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        closable - whether to close notification manually or not. If true there will be a close button on notification message and won't close until user click the button or duration time up, default false.
        See Also:, Component, boolean)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  java.lang.String type,
                                                  Component ref,
                                                  java.lang.String position,
                                                  int duration)
        Displays a message.
        msg - the message to show
        type - available types are "info", "warning", "error"
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        position - predefined positions.

        Available options are:

        • before_start
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the left.
        • before_center
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the center.
        • before_end
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the right.
        • after_start
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the left.
        • after_center
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the center.
        • after_end
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the right.
        • start_before
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the top.
        • start_center
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the middle.
        • start_after
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the bottom.
        • end_before
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the top.
        • end_center
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the middle.
        • end_after
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the bottom.
        • overlap/top_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-left.
        • top_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-center.
        • overlap_end/top_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-right.
        • middle_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-left.
        • middle_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-center.
        • middle_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-right.
        • overlap_before/bottom_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-left.
        • bottom_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-center.
        • overlap_after/bottom_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-right.
        • at_pointer
          the message appears with the upper-left aligned with the mouse cursor.
        • after_pointer
          the message appears with the top aligned with the bottom of the mouse cursor, with the left side of the message at the horizontal position of the mouse cursor.

        duration - the duration of notification in millisecond. If zero or negative the notification does not dismiss until user left-clicks outside of the notification box.
        See Also:, String, Component, String, int)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  java.lang.String type,
                                                  Component ref,
                                                  java.lang.String position,
                                                  int duration,
                                                  boolean closable)
        Displays a message.
        msg - the message to show
        type - available types are "info", "warning", "error"
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        position - predefined positions.

        Available options are:

        • before_start
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the left.
        • before_center
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the center.
        • before_end
          the message appears above the anchor, aligned to the right.
        • after_start
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the left.
        • after_center
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the center.
        • after_end
          the message appears below the anchor, aligned to the right.
        • start_before
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the top.
        • start_center
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the middle.
        • start_after
          the message appears to the left of the anchor, aligned to the bottom.
        • end_before
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the top.
        • end_center
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the middle.
        • end_after
          the message appears to the right of the anchor, aligned to the bottom.
        • overlap/top_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-left.
        • top_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-center.
        • overlap_end/top_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at top-right.
        • middle_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-left.
        • middle_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-center.
        • middle_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at middle-right.
        • overlap_before/bottom_left
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-left.
        • bottom_center
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-center.
        • overlap_after/bottom_right
          the message overlaps the anchor, with anchor and message aligned at bottom-right.
        • at_pointer
          the message appears with the upper-left aligned with the mouse cursor.
        • after_pointer
          the message appears with the top aligned with the bottom of the mouse cursor, with the left side of the message at the horizontal position of the mouse cursor.

        duration - the duration of notification in millisecond. If zero or negative the notification does not dismiss until user left-clicks outside of the notification box.
        closable - whether to close notification manually or not. If true there will be a close button on notification message and won't close until user click the button or duration time up, default false.
        See Also:, String, Component, String, int, boolean)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  java.lang.String type,
                                                  Component ref,
                                                  int x,
                                                  int y,
                                                  int duration)
        Displays a message.
        msg - the message to show
        type - available types are "info", "warning", "error"
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        x - the horizontal position of the notification, aligned at top-left (in pixel)
        y - the vertical position of the notification, aligned at top-left (in pixel)
        duration - the duration of notification in millisecond. If zero or negative the notification does not dismiss until user left-clicks outside of the notification box.
        See Also:, String, Component, int, int, int)
      • showNotification

        public static final void showNotification​(java.lang.String msg,
                                                  java.lang.String type,
                                                  Component ref,
                                                  int x,
                                                  int y,
                                                  int duration,
                                                  boolean closable)
        Displays a message.
        msg - the message to show
        type - available types are "info", "warning", "error"
        ref - the referenced component, null to be based on browser window
        x - the horizontal position of the notification, aligned at top-left (in pixel)
        y - the vertical position of the notification, aligned at top-left (in pixel)
        duration - the duration of notification in millisecond. If zero or negative the notification does not dismiss until user left-clicks outside of the notification box.
        closable - whether to close notification manually or not. If true there will be a close button on notification message and won't close until user click the button or duration time up, default false.
        See Also:, String, Component, int, int, int, boolean)
      • showBusy

        public static final void showBusy​(Component comp,
                                          java.lang.String msg)
        Shows the busy message at the browser that covers only the specified component. It is used to denote a portion of the desktop is busy, and the user still can access the other part. In other words, it means there is a long operation taking place.

        To execute a long operation asynchronously, the developer can use a working thread, or use EventQueue.subscribe(org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener,boolean).

        See also Long Operations

        comp - the component that the busy message to cover. Ignored if null. Notice that if the component is not found, the busy message won't be shown. In additions, the busy message is removed automatically if the component is detached later. To manually remove the busy message, use clearBusy(Component)
        msg - the message to show. If null, the default message (processing) is shown.
        See Also:
      • clearBusy

        public static final void clearBusy()
        Cleans the busy message at the browser.
        See Also:
      • clearBusy

        public static final void clearBusy​(Component comp)
        Clears the busy message at the browser that covers only the specified component.
        comp - the component that the busy message to cover.
        See Also:
        showBusy(Component, String)
      • resize

        public static final void resize​(Component comp)
        Forces the client to re-calculate the size of the given component. For better performance, ZK Client Engine will cache the size of components with hflex=min or vflex=min, and recalculate it only necessary. However, sometimes it is hard (too costly) to know if the size of a component with flex=min is changed. For example, If another component is added to it and causes the size changed. In this case, you could use this method to enforce the re-calculation.
      • reloadMessages

        public static final void reloadMessages​(java.util.Locale locale)
        Reloads the client-side messages in the specified locale. It is used if you allow the user to change the locale dynamically.

        Notice that this method only reloads the standard messages. The application has to update the component's content (such as labels) manually if necessary.

        Limitation: it reloads only the messages of ZK Client Engine and ZUL components. It does not reload messages loaded by your own JavaScript codes.

        locale - the locale. If null, Locales.getCurrent() is assumed.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the device is not ajax.
      • log

        public static final void log​(java.lang.String msg)
        Logs the message to the client.

        data[0]: the title

      • log

        public static final void log​(java.lang.Object msg)
        Logs the message to the client.
        msg - message, cast to String
      • loadScript

        public static final void loadScript​(java.lang.String url)
        Loads a JavaScript file to client and execute it.

        By default, this method won't cache the JavaScript file, but you can enable it by invoking loadScript(String, String, boolean).

        url - the JavasScript file path, it will be encoded with Encodes.encodeURL(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse, String) if any.
        See Also:
        Encodes.encodeURL(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse, java.lang.String), loadScript(String, String, boolean)
      • loadScript

        public static final void loadScript​(java.lang.String url,
                                            java.lang.String callback,
                                            boolean cache)
        Loads a JavaScript file to client and execute it.
        url - the JavasScript file path, it will be encoded with Encodes.encodeURL(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse, String) if any.
        callback - a callback script to execute when the JavaScript file has loaded.
        cache - true means the url will be cached and executed only once.
        See Also:
        Encodes.encodeURL(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse, java.lang.String)
      • loadCSS

        public static final void loadCSS​(java.lang.String url)
        Loads a CSS file.
        url - the URL of the CSS file
      • sendClientCommand

        public static final void sendClientCommand​(Component component,
                                                   java.lang.String commandName,
                                                   java.lang.Object data)
        Send a command to client (afterCommand)
        component - target component
        commandName - the command name which would be triggered in client
        data - data which would be sent to client
      • syncErrorbox

        public static final void syncErrorbox()
        Send a command to sync all the errorboxes and its reference component position on the desktop.
      • syncErrorbox

        public static final void syncErrorbox​(Component component)
        Send a command to sync a target component and its errorbox position.
        component - target component
      • focus

        public static final void focus​(Component component)
        Focus the component (HtmlBasedComponent)
        component - target component