Default value for topK queries
Default value for topK queries
Bounding box search with rectangle
Bounding box search with rectangle
Lower left corner
Upper right corner
Number of results
Intersect, contained, etc.
Bounding box search with center and radius
Bounding box search with center and radius
given as (x, y)
in kilometers (KM)
Search for points within a circle
Search for points within a circle
center of circle
radius of circle in kilometers (KM)
number of points to return
RDD compute method.
RDD compute method.
K-nearest neighbors search
K-nearest neighbors search
query point (X, Y)
number of nearest neighbor points to return
Lucene query string
Link entities based on k-nearest neighbors (Knn)
Link entities based on k-nearest neighbors (Knn)
Links this and that based on nearest neighbors, returns Knn
A type
An RDD of entities to be linked
Function that generates a point from each element of other
an RDD of Tuple2 that contains the linked results
Note: Currently the query coordinates of the other RDD are collected to the driver and broadcast to the workers.
Link entities if their shapes are within a distance in kilometers (km)
Link entities if their shapes are within a distance in kilometers (km)
Links this and that based on distance threshold
A type
An RDD of entities to be linked
Function that generates a point from each element of other
an RDD of Tuple2 that contains the linked results
Note: Currently the query coordinates of the other RDD are collected to the driver and broadcast to the workers.
Link with DataFrame based on k-nearest neighbors (Knn)
Link with DataFrame based on k-nearest neighbors (Knn)
Links this and that based on nearest neighbors, returns Knn
Link entities if their shapes are within a distance in kilometers (km)
Link entities if their shapes are within a distance in kilometers (km)
Links this and that based on distance threshold
DataFrame of entities to be linked
Function that generates a point from each element of other
an RDD of Tuple2 that contains the linked results
Note: Currently the query coordinates of the other RDD are collected to the driver and broadcast to the workers.
Spatial search with a single Point
Spatial search with a single Point
Spatial search with arbitrary shape
Spatial search with arbitrary shape
Shape in WKT format
Number of element to return
(Since version 1.0.0) use mapPartitionsWithIndex and filter
(Since version 1.0.0) use mapPartitionsWithIndex and flatMap
(Since version 1.0.0) use mapPartitionsWithIndex and foreach
(Since version 1.2.0) use TaskContext.get
(Since version 0.7.0) use mapPartitionsWithIndex
(Since version 1.0.0) use mapPartitionsWithIndex
(Since version 1.0.0) use collect
ShapeLuceneRDD for geospatial and full-text search queries
Type containing the geospatial information (must be implicitly converted to Shape)
Type containing remaining information (must be implicitly converted to Document)